Thursday, April 1, 2010

My things have legs...

I got back from class today and my scissors and my hole punch were in the wrong spot. My scissors were in the bathroom and my hole punch was on the ground in the middle of the ground. My room mate said he didn't touch the hole punch but he did cut his hair in the bathroom with my scissors. That annoys me. He should put stuff back. And not cut his hair with my scissors.

I got my usb extender and usb hub in the mail today. That's nice.

I like pokemon. I didn't save my game last night so i had to start over from the last time i saved... I guess i'll have to redo a bunch of stuff. poor me.

I want to go swimming.

I feel like there is a layer of pollen coating my entire body.

I played Frisbee tonight. it was fun. it was the first game i had won since the beginning of the season.

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