Saturday, April 17, 2010

I'm so sick of being tired.

I got an 86 on my calculus quiz. I guess that's ok. The problem I got wrong was easy.

I have a Bible test Monday. I need to study for it and I need to do lots of journals. I am way behind and they are worth a big part of my grade. I might be able to bring my grade up if I do well on the test.

Things around the quad have been kinda tense thees last couple of days. Hopefully that will all stop now.

I need to get my act together if I want to stay at this college. I really like it here and have some good friends.

The summer should be exciting. If everything works out i'll be able to work at a job with three other people I know. They're all girls too. =P One of them is my sister though... :0

lol <-- drowning man lol lol <-- 2 drowning men lool <---drowning twins...

Ha now you'll never look at lol the same again.

I love you.

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