Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I like sleep.

Next semester I'm not going to have to get up until Chapel on Tuesday, Thursday and noon Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

I woke up late. I was 30 minutes late for Legos. Dr. Green let me turn in my homework even thought I was late. I don't know if he likes me or if he feels sorry for the team i'm in. He is also letting a bunch of us retake a test that we missed a few months ago. He is growing on me. I like him allot more than I did toward the beginning of the semester.

I've got two other people to start writing blogs. I doubt either one of them will keep it hers very long.

One of those people thinks I'm gay, and its not that I have a problem with gay people, (which I do), it's that I'm not ready to date yet and I don't feel like it right now. From what I've seen, relationships in this stage of life come with more trouble than benefits.

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