Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Moving On

I think I am going to retire this blog.  I am starting a new blog however. This new blog will focus more on Minecraft and video games and maybe even anime.

Here is the link: My New Blog

Monday, September 9, 2013

wat do teh fox sai??

I had typed up a bunch of stuff but my phone didn't save it.

I'm going to asu to pursue a a degree in computer science. next semester I'm going to be taking higher level classes.  this semester I'm taking freshman level classes.  the classes are not hard and they have next to no homework. 

I am still hoping to get a job.  If I don't get one this semester then I will be very bored for the rest of the semester.  So if you guys feel like you should be praying about something go ahead and take my case.  

I'm typing this in class on my phone because I can.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

flying weasels

The way my mind works is not unlike a fly wheel.  That is a fly wheel with. next to no friction on the outer and middle edges. it seems to take a long time to get going and and once it gets going I don't know how to stop it.  I can't think in the mornings and somedays I can't seem to think at all.  when I do finally get get my wheel going I find that I understand classes better and can do homework faster.  My video game reflexes and my general awareness goes up too.   The problem then becomes sleeping.  It doesn't matter if I'm dead tired physically and mentally,  my mind keeps going.  I need to find out a way to install effective break pads.   #ioswmbfli (I only sleep when my brain feels like it). 

Friday, August 30, 2013


I Started School last Friday.  I'm taking 12 hours.  I should have signed up for more.   These classes will be pretty easy.   I'm taking a bus to school so that's pretty interesting.   And I'm playing Minecraft.   If you have money it's the best game you'll ever buy.  Come Play with me!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

I got accepted into asu.  So now all I have to do is talk to an academic counselor.

Prolly the most adorable gif.


Also I am making a game and will update the world to my progress.  Be sure to follow my other blog plox.


Friday, April 26, 2013

Post Title

This morning when I got up, I knocked over my lamp and broke one of the bulbs...
Then I played some lol and got more angry than I should ever get playing a game...
Then while reaching for something I pulled a shelf out of the wall in the garage and spilled some soap...

I just broke the filament on the bulb.
I went and exercised to blow off some steam.
The soap was powder.

Now I'm hungry.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


My asu application is under review right now.    Hopefully I will hear something from them soon.   If  I get accepted I'll hopefully be able to get a job at the school.