Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The other stuff I wanted was too expensive.
I got 4 PS3 Games;
Killzone 2 (mom)
Uncharted, Drake's Fortune (kyle)
Dead Space (kyle)
Infamous (mom)
I've already beat Uncharted and Infamous. They are both pretty good games. Killzone 2 is good also. I haven't played dead space yet. I am waiting till college to play it. I know a few of they guys who would like to watch/play that game. It's a horror scifi 3rd person shooter. IT should be good.
I got cash and a reindeer stuffed animal from my grandma.
I got a check from my uncle and aunt
I got a check grandma and grandpa Dublin
Mom got me a stress ball thing and 6 mechanical pencils.
Mom also bought me a new power supply for my computer.
I got a cushion pad for my bed. It is a nice one.
My mom bought me a new suit. I'll where it to the winter formal.
My sister got me a gift card.
Ok. I got my brother Call of Duty Black Ops for Christmas. It has zombie mode. He just left it on. It kept starting over and over again. My sister walked into the room and picked up a controller and called us in. I gave her a 10 second tutorial of the controls. She managed to kill one zombie using two clips of the pistol. When 3 more came in through a window she couldn't hit them, she squealed, threw the controller on the ground and ran out of the room screaming.
It was hilarious and it made my day.
You thing I'm pretty without any makeup on,
You think I'm funny when I get the punch line wrong,
I went to the dentist. I had a cavity. I should brush more. They filled it Today. They didn't numb it. It didn't hurt that bad when they drilled the nerve.
My mom is taking her mom to the emergency room. Her tongue is swelling.
Friday, December 24, 2010
It's Christmas Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEP!!
I don't have to work until sometime next week. I am going to get to sleep for a long time the next couple days. Since i don't have any responsibilities till Christmas, I'm good.
Can't wait till I go to bed!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
One Day, I'll Be Free, Why Not Start Now?
There was an accident tonight on 1604. People don't know how to get out of the way for a fire truck. It isn't that hard. Especially when the shoulder is almost wide enough for the truck.
My grandma is over. She brought candy. Mom won't let me have some of it until Christmas eve. I might have to steal some before that.
These past couple of days I have been eating till I'm about to burst. That is probably bad for me. I should work out. But I'm to tired all the time. I like whining.
I need a bigger power supply for my graphics card to work properly. I have a 300W and i need a 450W. I want to get a bigger one than that in case I get a better graphics card. I'll have my mom get me one for Christmas.
I emailed my professor a few days ago to ask him how close i was to getting an "A" in computer Science. Turns out i got an "A" or he gave me one. So my GPA for this semester is 2.2 instead of 2.0. That is going to make it easier for me to keep a 3.2 for next semester. I only need a 3.4 as opposed to a 3.6 witch is totally doable. After just looking over my calculations it looks like either way wouldn't have been that bad. I made an error the first time I calculated which told me I needed a 4.0 to get a 3.2 average. I should do better at math. Especially if I am going to be an engineer. =D
I love your face, and your Face, and yours, but not yours, ha ha just kidding your face is bearable.
Lots of hugs!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Now is when life is going to get tough.
I had a good day today. I went to church and Sunday school. One of the girls i know graduated from college recently so I went to her graduation party. I got to catch up with some friends.
After that I went to Jerod's house and watched Die Hard. It was pretty hilarious. A nice Christmas movie. :P
2 weeks 6 days.
I miss lots of people.
I can't wait till I see you all again.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The type of people that go to some concerts amaze me...
My mom got the divorce papers in the mail today.
I went to a family force five concert tonight. It was good. intermissions were to long and there wasn't any seating. Nearly all the girls were dressed like whores. and they were all under 14. Thats kinda sad. Especially since this was a Christian concert. I saw a girl giving another girl a lap dance... It was kinda bad.
3 weeks till I can go back to LeTourneau.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Work is easy right now.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Broken Homes
I have a job. My parents are selling our house. So my mom is selling a lot of our junk. We have a telescope. She sold it to a guy that runs an engineering firm. She asked him if he needed help over the Christmas break. I sent him a resume. They called me and offered me a job. I have a job over Christmas break. It was all Jesus. Thanks Jesus.
My parents are getting a divorce.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Finals week
I've met some really cool guys this semester.
Let's see how Christmas goes this year. Maybe it'll be good.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
GG life
The contraption was working 10 minutes before the competition started.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thing to be thankful for.
I go to a school where professors really care about you.(Well most of them anyways)
I have a great girl friend. :P not.
Evil loses.
I have great friends.
My sister kissed me caused she missed me. (first)
I'm not failing college yet.
Hugs are great. (although some people could really use work on their hugs)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
My arms are itchy.
last night i dislocated my arm playing starcraft 2. I suck at life.
4 more days until Thanksgiving. I have 2 or 3 tests coming up this week. I Should study for them. I really need to study for the physics one.
I didn't get enough school done. I'm going to get into trouble.
"Sometime the clothes at the GAP kids are to flashy, so I'm forced to go to the american girl store and order clothes for large colonial dolls." -The Office
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I want to watch the office. But my mom won't let me.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I'm tired.
I cut my foot last night. I was getting down off of the bed. I thought i put my foot on my desk, but I missed it and I fell all the way down to the floor. I cut a 1 inch gash in the side of my ankle. It didn't hurt.
I want to shave, It's been 2 weeks.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
11 hours of sleep and im still tired.
I am registering for classes tomorrow.
I am having a very hard time concentrating. When ever i try to focus on something i get a head ache, and get tired and dizzy. It might be my allergy medicine. I'll stop taking it and see what happens
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Can't do anything wrong.
Ok. Today I saw a girl that was wearing her pants to low like the guys do. Probably the most unattractive thing I've seen.
WOTC sucks...
Abbey Jeske can solve two equations with 3 unknowns.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Laughing people make me happy.
Alysa lost her flip flop then chocked on a piece of banana bread tonight. She stated laughing while she was chocking. She had to sit down because she was laughing so hard. It was funny.
Hugs make my day.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Strengths Quest
I looked over this personality quiz i had to take about a year ago for cornerstones.
In order.
I'm stubborn,
I'm "connected" whatever that means.
I like to solve problems.
I'm responsible...
I'm good at tearing people down.
Well that sure is exciting...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
I need more sleep.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Project management sucks…
It seems like the majority of my homework is from project management. The teacher is making this more than a 2 hour class. I'm tired all the time.
I've recently realized that I can be very good at insulting people. My feet also stink. I must have gotten that form Zac. Or I caught something from walking around barefoot all summer.
The guys in the dorm are all pretty cool this semester. We are going to lose some of them to the societies.
I think I am going to church tomorrow.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I can't wait till it gets here though!
I had a dream that my room had 50 dollars in fines...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Cheez-Its make me go "Om-nom"
I'm sorry for not updating.
We just did EO. That was fun I guess. I have paint on my hands.
I wish school wasn't so demanding. I feel like I don't have enough time.
I haven't bought anymore Heroscape yet. I'm waiting on Tyler Johnson to get back with me. He might buy some. But I really don't have that much time. I wish I didn't have to work.
I have a headache.
I might just go to sleep right now.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I procrastinated. I should have done some homework.
I have lots to do.
And Project Management is going to kill me.
I also had a dream that Letourneau allowed supervised dances on campus. :P I got asked to go to one. xD
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I have a presentation tomorrow. Pray for me.
Some of my peers are encouraging me to do things I don't want to do. Sinners...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
My scalp is peeling. It was sunburned.
Monday, August 30, 2010
I want more Heroscape.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
He's gone.
I'm really not liking the project management course. Cause it's hard. I guess that's the point. I have good team members though.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
It's 5:36 am I should go to bed.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
3 days left of work.
My friends are moving to another state. I watched them cry and say goodbye to their friends.
My dog is sick. He is having surgery tomorrow. I would have put him down if it was my decision. My sister doesn't want to let him go though. It's her dog.
I don't want to show up to work. Cause it takes up my entire freaking day. I don't like being there for 13 hours....
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
I'm so sick!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I've been playing StarCraft 2 as much as I can lately. It is such a fun game.
I saved a little girl the other day. She fell out of her tube and couldn't swim.
Ok, There is this tube slide at Shclitterbahn that dumps you into the river. This kid fell off his tube and was sliding down head first on his belly. He looks at me and gives me a thumbs up and dives into the water. He is under for about 15 seconds when he pops yelling, "turtle!," while holding a big 10 inch turtle upside down in his hands. I laughed so hard i was coughing. That made my day.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
22 days left of work.
StarCraft 2 is Pretty Much Amazing.
I don't want to go to work...
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I wear my sunglasses at night.
I had a headache on the way home so I wore my sunglasses so the car lights wouldn't hurt my eyes so much.
A guy a Shclitterbahn decided to take his kids to the park after he spent two days at his 20 year Reunion. He had one of those square "waterproof" containers. It opened up on the ride and he lost his credit card, 60 bucks and his car key. He had to wait for me to find the key. I got it to him around 9:15pm. After he finally got his key he started going to his car and had to jump to separate fences to get out of the park, because everything was locked up. The kid's mother wasn't there so he was by himself. And he is from Louisiana and hadn't reserved a hotel for that night. Poor guy. I prayed for him.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
StarCraft 2 looks so amazing!!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
34 days!
StarCraft 2 comes out in 8 days, I'd like to get that, I just don't want to pay for it.
I am wanting to get a big game of Heroscape together before I leave.
I had a good day at work last Sunday.
I'm going to bed.
Monday, July 12, 2010
I got my mom to finally play Heroscape today. She liked it!! That makes me happy. It took me about 2-3 years of asking before she would finally play.
Tyler Antler said he was gonna try and hang out with me sometime this summer. He better not be lying. :P
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I got stung by something yesterday. It could have been a bee or a wasp. I don't know. I though it was an ant bite so I smacked it felt a bigger bug. It flew off, and I didn't see a stinger.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I can't wait for college to start back again.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Its my birthday
I also bought a bunch of Heroscape. It comes Monday. I'm excited.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I went to the dentist today. Bo cavities. But I need my wisdom teeth removed. I don't feel like getting them removed.
My birthday is coming up. I'm gonna play Heroscape.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
There is more Heroscape coming out soon. I haven't gotten the last wave and a new one is coming out. I'm upset. I'll get over it.
Work is good. It's a heck of a lot better than HEB. I'm gonna work tomorrow. There is a Schlitterbahn lifeguard party tomorrow. That could be fun. maybe.
I'm gonna take a shower and go to bed. Night.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Today some girls were going around the lazy river yelling hi to all of the guy lifeguards. it was great. they were 12
I wake up in the middle of the night thinking that i am on stand and can't fall asleep.
I don't have hardly any time to do anything other than eat work and sleep. I have about an hour a night after i get home to eat then go to bed.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
This girl was supposed to be watching her two younger siblings. She let them slip into the torrent. The torrent is like a lazy river combined with a wave pool. The peak of some the waves goes to 6 feet. Her siblings couldn't swim. They were probably 3 and 4. Or twins they were twins. I jumped in and walked them around. My first rescue involved two people. I'm a BAMF. :P
I did my deep water training. So now I am deep water certified.
It's 8:42 and i'm wiped.
I think I'm gonna play some little big planet then go to bed. I've been playing it a lot lately.
And I thing I am done watching Glee. The last episode was extremely pro-homo-fagot-man-on-man. It's gross. I don't want to have to watch that. And they had lady gaga music. She is the female version of that previous adjective. A 20 plug surge protector...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
First day of work.
Monday, May 17, 2010
I went on a jog today. I doubt i am going to be able to do that marathon. I went about 3 miles today. It was on hills so it's a lot harder than at LeTourneau.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Second day of training.
How come I can fall asleep during the day. But I have trouble falling asleep at night. I was at a party a week or so ago. There was loud music and bright lights were shining over me. I feel asleep for about an hour, in the middle of a party. I could fall asleep in my room when the sun was shining in my eyes, Zac was playing music, typing on the computer. But I can't fall asleep at night unless it is quiet, and completely dark. Maybe I can figure it out someday.
I've been eating a ton since I've gotten back. I'm gonna get fat if I don't stop it. Hopefully i'll be able to lose some weight guarding lives.
I should text Tyler sometime.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
First day of training.
I am so tired. For some reason I haven't been getting very restful sleep. I've gotten a lot of sleep, but I wake up tired every morning. I'll try a different blanket tonight to see if that helps any.
I've been catching up on TV shows that I fell behind in during finals week. Thats good. At least I'm doing something important. For some reason lost is really boring now. I'll finish the show out since I've already put so much time into it. It's not exciting anymore.
I'm hungry. I've been hungry since I've gotten home. I'm going to eat something then go to bed.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mothers day
I am eating cake. It is good. I'm borrowing my brothers monitor. I am definitely going to have to get another monitor.
I am going to have to read a lot of lifeguard stuff before Tuesday at 4. It's going to be boring.
It's late and i am tired i'm going to bed and sleeping till 2 or 3 or 4.
Friday, May 7, 2010
I hope this summer goes fast.
I'll be going to lifeguard training Tuesday. I can't wait to start working. This is going to be fun.
If any of you guys from Letourneau start a blog i'd like to have the URL. And you're allowed to comment on my blog posts. Ian thought I wouldn't want him to. I don't know why.
Ian's off building houses for disabled people and rehabilitating habitats for koalas. I'm so proud of him.
I got a hair cut. And I shaved. Tyler, you happy now?
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I'm home.
I'm glad i don't have the bandwidth cap anymore. I'm downloading about 20 GB of playstaion game demos right now.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
There might still be some hope
I am done with Finals.
I am going to pack up and leave tonight.
Spawn more overlords
2:24 am Im done with my fatness final, Now i need to work on my journal.
2:49 chicken noodle soup
2:58 zac goes to chapel.
2:59 chemistry study
3:10 im tired.
3:17 im shutting off my cpu. Im gonna study some more then go top bed.
night pray for me.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
xkcd/Finals Night 1
Since my light hasn't been working i'll just turn the switch to the middle. that way I don't have to run back and forth between the switches till the bathroom light turns off. One of my suite mates doesn't like that. hahahahahahaha
Despite my dislike for the legos class I have decided that I like the memo format of writing. It makes sense and doesn't have a bunch of rules that change over time.
I have a wisdom tooth coming in. I already feel so much wiser.
Skype doesn't let me talk to females.
Romans 11:11 Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. I'm happy to be part of that devious plan.
Ian never gave me back my lamp. So now as I have to sit here in the darkness and write my Bible paper.
5 hours left.
4 hours left. My hands are sweating. I'm gonna go outside on a walk to cool off and take a break. I'm getting to distracted.
3 hours left. I'm hungry and saga is open.
Ok. I'm not hungry now. I got to say hi to Nathan through his window.
2 hours. This is about when my entire body starts aching from exhaustion. Im almost done with my paper. I need to solve that problem sometime.
I'm done now I just need to proof read it. Yeah sure. I'm gonna go play SSB. yeah I'm responsible.
Iv'e played for 1000 minutes on that game cube this semester.
Paper is done. I'm printing it out now. It's 9:20. I gonna wake Zac up. I am sorry Zac.
Ok my papers are turned in. First day of finals is over. Good night.
I have a 12 inch ruler that only measures 8 and a half inches.
Mark just went to bed. He was playing CoD5MW2. Cypher no cyphing.
I've got a paper due in 30 hours and i haven't started on it. I am horrible with procrastinating. I really should stop that.
I went on a 4.4 mile run today. It was humid. It seems like there were more people out tonight than normal. I got honked at while I was running. I must be hot stuff. :P Or I was being teased.
The demon that is the bathroom fan is becoming stronger. The light switch in the bathroom doesn't work right. It annoys me.
Jeff left last night. I am going to miss him. He is a nice guy. And no, I not just missing him for selfish reasons.
I'm really excited for next semester. I can't wait till it comes. I'd like to meet our 16 something freshmen. It will be fun. I'll like to see how their relationships with girls work out. It will be funny. That was fun this semester. Bryce will be the new RA. That will be fun.
I am a night person. If you really want to get to know me stay and talk to me. I'm more sociable.
I just realized that when I go home I am going to have a dog again. I hate that dog. He barks all the time. He rivals the demon in the fan. He wakes me up what seems every morning. I don't think I could ever miss that dog.
I don't know how excited I am about going home. I want the summer to go by fast. I like college and my new friends. awww im soooo sweet. :P
I need to read through my chemistry book. I'll do that Monday maybe... I need to study for calc Monday too.
Sometimes I wish the night would never end... It'd be nice to stay awake relaxing, listening to music.
*(the validity of this comment can not be proven.)
Friday, April 30, 2010
You and your friends.
Butter knife catastrophe. So what is you noticed a crack in your butter knife and you didn't do anything about it? Well I learned what would happen. One day you would be cutting your steak. And you will hit a bone. A super elastic collision will occur between the bone and the knife, snapping the knife in half. Sending the knife through your window and your neighbor's window. It will finally ends it's super elastic journey in the heart of your neighborer's dog. You murderer!!! And that's what I learned in my semester from Legos.
I bought a ticket to a Hawk Nelson concert. Hawk Nelson is a band with 4 people. it's not one guy. The concert is 7 pm Saturday.
About a week ago i opened my window. bugs came into my room. Zac freaked. He duck taped a mosquito hawk to the celling. So now there is a duck on my celling.
5 days until I go home. I'll be able to make a 3.2 if i get an A on my physics final and an A in fatness and a B in everything else.
Dual wielding. I'm funny.

I went swimming today. I liked being in the water. that was fun. I forgot how hard swimming can be.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Letourneau's girls....
I just figured out that I don't have to turn in my chem reading until my final.
I took a nap today. It was 4-5 hours. I missed dinner. bummer. I went to RG's grill. I think saga looses money by having RG's Grill open at night.
A friendship is like a plant. Ignore it and it dies. Hide is in the dark and it can't grow right. or something like that. Some friendships are like sticks. Dead. Unable to grow. But whatever. Or I could be totally wrong.
Anyway. I am going to finish my legos thing then go to bed. Night.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I think it's been long enough to say that the two people who started blogging because of me failed. They haven't updated in 11 days.
I hate doing peer evals. I have to judge my teammate and myself. I also need to give strengths and weaknesses of the individuals. It's dumb.
It's one. And Zac isn't even in his room. I am going to have to tell him to go to bed.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I don't like getting up in the morning. I have a bad habit of taking naps during the day and staying awake all night. I should really stop it. I hate mornings. I'll try to get up at 8 tomorrow. Doubt it will happen though.
I have a chem test and a physics lab test tomorrow. I hope I ace them.
Mastering chemistry is done forever. I am happy.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
2 more weeks.
The weekend is gone and I've done no school.
Friday, April 23, 2010
There are monsters in my air duct.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
My throat hurts when I swallow.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I wonder what Ian would look like with straight hair?
It's 5 o clock Somewhere.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The stars lean down to kiss you. Ouch...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I'm still sick of being tired.
I'm so sick of being tired.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I like sleep.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
"This statement is false."
Friday, April 9, 2010
Today is Friday.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Ian thinks i'm fat.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
- Nuclides above the valley of stability become more stable through beta emission.
- Half life K= ln(2)/t(1/2) At= Aoe^(-kt)
- There are no stable isotopes with an atomic number above 83
- A + -e= electron capture.
- Alpha Radiation has the highest radiation energy and the lowest penetration Beta rays are in-between. Gama rays have the highest penetrating power and the lowest ionizing power.
- To pick the right answer you need to simply add the numbers together. a negative sign means -1 you have to subtract it.
- Electron capture lowers the atomic number. It adds a -e. The 7 doesn't change.
- I need help on number 8
- Keytones have the formula RCOR
- Weak acids..... i need help...
- Esters have the formula RCOOR 4 carbons is but-
- Keytones have the formula RCOR
- And the rest I dont feel like typing out
Sty in my eye.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Natured has peed on my shoes.
Right now I am learning myself about integration techniques.