Butter knife catastrophe. So what is you noticed a crack in your butter knife and you didn't do anything about it? Well I learned what would happen. One day you would be cutting your steak. And you will hit a bone. A super elastic collision will occur between the bone and the knife, snapping the knife in half. Sending the knife through your window and your neighbor's window. It will finally ends it's super elastic journey in the heart of your neighborer's dog. You murderer!!! And that's what I learned in my semester from Legos.
I bought a ticket to a Hawk Nelson concert. Hawk Nelson is a band with 4 people. it's not one guy. The concert is 7 pm Saturday.
About a week ago i opened my window. bugs came into my room. Zac freaked. He duck taped a mosquito hawk to the celling. So now there is a duck on my celling.
5 days until I go home. I'll be able to make a 3.2 if i get an A on my physics final and an A in fatness and a B in everything else.
Dual wielding. I'm funny.

I went swimming today. I liked being in the water. that was fun. I forgot how hard swimming can be.
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