Saturday, April 17, 2010

I'm still sick of being tired.

Today I didn't get up until 3pm. I am glad that I got a really good amount of sleep this weekend. I think I'll go to bed soon tonight to so I can get lots more sleep. Sleep is good.

Is we'ren't a word?

I need a hair cut. I haven't got one since before Christmas.

I need to read Bible stuff and do some Bible journals. And do mastering Chemistry. Maybe I can get some of that done tonight.

I haven't been able to hang out with one of my friends lately. I'm feeling sad cause of it. He spends to much time with some one else... And he wants to be my suit mate next semester.... Maybe I should find some one else.

In case you were wondering who I love. It's you. Yeah that's right you. You who is reading these words right now. I know you are reading this right now, and yeah I love you. ;) night

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