Ian helped me with physics. Ian finds great joy when i mention him in my blog. I went to a volleyball game to help give him extra credit for his fatness class. It was a very sad game.
And who says sparrows love the snow. I've never heard that before Adam told me...
Looks like zac is done with his blog. I think i will got to bed soon. as soon as he turns off his computer.
I'm gonna be like zac and write a really long blog. Zac doesn't like it when i read out loud over his shoulder. I'm trying to stop that habit. I think he caused it. I'm used to reading his notes when he couldn't talk. So it's all his fault. or not. it's all my fault. everything is my fault. blog.
Over this weekend I should get a decent amount of school done if i want to get higher than a 3.0 for a GPA. I only need a 2.8 to keep my scholarships, but a 3.2 is the lowest i want to get for this semester.
Zac is editing his blog now so. Tyler is eating noodles. i'm gonna be up late. im gonna shut off the computer and play play station.
all of the tylers I talked about were the antler one not the laughin one.
Give me a hug next time you see me. =D night :P
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