Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have a chemistry test tomorrow. I am studying for it.
  1. Nuclides above the valley of stability become more stable through beta emission.
  2. Half life K= ln(2)/t(1/2) At= Aoe^(-kt)
  3. There are no stable isotopes with an atomic number above 83
  4. A + -e= electron capture.
  5. Alpha Radiation has the highest radiation energy and the lowest penetration Beta rays are in-between. Gama rays have the highest penetrating power and the lowest ionizing power.
  6. To pick the right answer you need to simply add the numbers together. a negative sign means -1 you have to subtract it.
  7. Electron capture lowers the atomic number. It adds a -e. The 7 doesn't change.
  8. I need help on number 8
  9. Keytones have the formula RCOR
  10. Weak acids..... i need help...
  11. Esters have the formula RCOOR 4 carbons is but-
  12. Keytones have the formula RCOR
  13. And the rest I dont feel like typing out
Figure it out yourself.
I Feel pretty confident about the chem test tommorw. I'll let you know how i did when i get the grade.
I want a wireless keyboard.
And cereal and milk.

I'm going to bed soon. night. This is the first night I will be going to bed at a reasonable time.

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