Tomorrow I'm going to a home school graduation party. It's gonna be boring. I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I'll be one of the few people who do. I have a problem with getting dressed up. And a graduation ceremony is a silly thing to have for high school. High school is mandatory and easy. But whatever.
I'll be going to lifeguard training Tuesday. I can't wait to start working. This is going to be fun.
If any of you guys from Letourneau start a blog i'd like to have the URL. And you're allowed to comment on my blog posts. Ian thought I wouldn't want him to. I don't know why.
Ian's off building houses for disabled people and rehabilitating habitats for koalas. I'm so proud of him.
I got a hair cut. And I shaved. Tyler, you happy now?
I love kolas. And koalas. I think Obama would be proud of me too.