Today i got audited. they threw a vat doll in the water. I noticed it in ten seconds and got to it. I passed the audit.
This girl was supposed to be watching her two younger siblings. She let them slip into the torrent. The torrent is like a lazy river combined with a wave pool. The peak of some the waves goes to 6 feet. Her siblings couldn't swim. They were probably 3 and 4. Or twins they were twins. I jumped in and walked them around. My first rescue involved two people. I'm a BAMF. :P
I did my deep water training. So now I am deep water certified.
It's 8:42 and i'm wiped.
I think I'm gonna play some little big planet then go to bed. I've been playing it a lot lately.
And I thing I am done watching Glee. The last episode was extremely pro-homo-fagot-man-on-man. It's gross. I don't want to have to watch that. And they had lady gaga music. She is the female version of that previous adjective. A 20 plug surge protector...
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