Sunday, March 28, 2010

A broken nose hurts my face.

Gumball threw the Frisbee at my face today. It hit my nose. My nose bled. I went on my first run in 3 weeks. It was slow.
I got all of my homework done that was needed to be done tonight. Before 1am. That's good. I really wish i had another monitor. It would make multitasking easier.
I am hungry all the time. I always want food. Feed me. I drank nearly an entire container of tomato juice. If I wanted and could pay for it i'd drink lots everyday.

Girls bother me. They confuse themselves when they leave the kitchen. But besides that i guess they can be okay. I have a friend that has a new girl friend. This guy is normally a meaner person but has been nicer since he got a girlfriend. He is moving to a different dorm next semester. So I hope she doesn't dump him until after next semester cause i am in a group with him in my classes.

I got the school i needed to get done, done.

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