Friday, December 23, 2011


Half of my house is under construction. All the tile in the kitchen is ripped up and a wall is mostly torn down.
The fridge is in the middle of the mess and there is a trashcan full of broken tile and sheet rock in the middle of the living room.   

The first time I took a shower the shower head exploded on me. 

I had chic fil a for dinner

I'm going to start coding something so i can get ahead in school.

Friday, December 16, 2011


I spent all day today and yesterday helping my mom move into her new home.   We moved a ton of kitchen cabinets from a three million dollar house to the garage.  They are heavy.

I don't know if it is possible to get anymore annoying than my brother is.  He deems it necessary to flick every bottle cap he finds at me.  Mom had him take off an old toilet seat so we could put a new one on.  (The old one was gross and he is using it as a white elephant gift.) The entire time he was tanking it off he was screaming like he was getting beaten or something.

I would upload pictures of what i had to move but I cant the picture off my phone on this cpu.

ALSO the other day I got to use one of these at a Wendy's!  It's pretty cool.

It is a touch screen coke machine, it has 104 flavors!

buh bye now

Things You Learn in College

I was watching a TV show last night that kept bringing up the IQ test.   The show was equating a higher IQ to higher intelligence.

The IQ test was developed in the early 1900's to determine weather or not a child was retarded.  The test was designed to show hos stupid the person was.  Mot how smart the person was.   Having a high IQ does not correlate to high intelligence.  Thank you Dr. French for my enlightenment.

Also in searching for the origins of the IQ test I found out where the word moron came from.   H. H. Goddard coined the term to describe a person who was in-between an idiot and a normal person.  An imbecile was a person of the lowest intelligence.  Now we can't use those words anymore because they have became insults.

I could just hear people back then.

"No, no sweety. You're not an idiot,  you're just a moron."

And the Nazi's used it to test people.  If you failed the test you got killed.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Arizona Drivers

Driving in Arizona can be so frustrating.   Everyone speeds.  Which I might expect on a highway.  But not in the middle of the city.   Also in Arizona it seems to be acceptable to run a red light if you are turning left.  The water here tastes bad too.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Over the Woods

And through the rivers to Grandmother's house we go!

Well, I'll go right after we turn around to go get Ben's passport.

Chris, out of the kindness of his heart told Ben that he would drive him and his girlfriend all the way to Dallas. A 4 hour round trip. Well we got about 45 minutes out when Ben realized that he didn't have his passport.  At the end of it all it ended up taking 4.5 hours for what should have been a 2 hour trip.   Thank you Ben.

I don't think I'll be working this Christmas break other than what my mom and grandma need me to do.

I miss all my friends sooooo much!!!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

One Word!


I am done with finals.  I'll be flying to Arizona Saturday.  I am leaving Letourneau Friday morning.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So it turns out that looking over class notes while studding can actually be beneficial.  I'm surprised how much useful information I wrote down.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Can Someone Turn Down The A.C.

A.C. stands for Awkward Couples not Air Conditioning.

So I was going to complain about the fact that all of the late night spots are usually full of awkward couples.    I would kind of like a place that I could go to study that was late at night that wasn't my dorm.  

I was going to go study last night but there were two couples there... (I come to find out later that there were was another I just didn't see them) 

I must have woken one of the couples up cause I got a mean look from the guy.  I left them alone so they could get back to their cuddling.  I really don't see how they could have been comfortable.  They were sitting in a one person chair that was clearly a one person chair.  The girl was on top of the guy.  They had a blanket over them.  There could not have been a clean thought going through his head.

If I ever get to be that physically awkward with a girl I give permission for people to smack me.  Of course I would have to have a girlfriend to be awkward (with a girl).  

So I've been using this alternate keyboard layout for a while now.  Its kind of weird.  My brain is slowly reprogramming itself to adapt to the new layout.  I can almost type completely from memory of key location.  I think I am going to stick with this layout.  Also I am noticing that I don't normally type with all of my fingers on my right hand.  I used to do most of the typing with my left hand and my middle and index finger from my right hand.  aaaaand I am spelling most of my words correctly the first time.

So I am listening to Christmas music, just going through all the Christmas music I have acquired over the years. And every time I come to a song that is sung by a bunch of tune deaf children I shudder and skip the song.  It's not cute it's embarrassing and painful to listen to.

Oh, and Ben talks to himself an awful lot.  I'm not going to know when he is talking to me.... =P

Night  Happy Finals!! 

I Pray that all of you will make it through without stressing out to much.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tired but Still Going.

Hi my name is Shane Dublin.
Last night I stayed up very late.
I went to bed last night at 7.
My roomate came in at midnight and started playing call of duty for a couple of hours.
He played for a couple of hours then he went to bed.
I tried to go to bed, but I couldn't fall asleep.
So I thought I read a bit then go on a walk.
I tried to go to bed but I couldn't fall asleep.
So at about 3 in the morning I decided to go on a walk.
I took a few steps outside and decided to go hamgout in MSC.
There are Christmas lights hung up.  It's a very soothing atmosphere.
I sat on the couch tired as all get out.
I tried falling asleep but my mind wouldn't fall asleep.
I laid and sat there for three hours.
I gave up sleeping so i wemt back to my dorm and played video games for a few hours.
At 8 I was tired enough to go to sleep.
The end.

Friday, December 2, 2011

All Nighters

I stayed up till forever.  I was working on my digital project.  We made wall-e.  We couldn't get the programming right.  I don't know what grade I'm going to get on the project.

At 6 you ask flight majors what they are doing up so early.

At 6 you ask engineering majors what they are doing up so late.

I'm so funny.

Tyler Antcliff suggested using Dvorak cause you can type a lot faster.
You are supposed to be able to type twice as fast.  The qwerty keyboard layout was designed to make people type slower because the original type writers would jam due to the most pressed keys being to close together.

This is going to take a while to get used to.  

I've got a headache so I am going to go to bed.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey day.

My dad bought me a neti pot....  It doesn't work for me.   Zac says it works for him though,

I went to abbey's house for Thanksgiving.  And we had turkey.  And we watched two movies. And i didn't do any school.  And I had stuffing.  and I got stuffed. So stuffed.  I also ate like 6 times the allergy medicine cause I am allergic to abbey or her family house or her cats.  I watched cars 2 and I watched captain america.  It was just so much fun!!   Then I played Frisbee and I won.

Ian's Taylor swift video almost has 16,000 views.

I started playing league of legends.   I really shouldn't be playing any games for a while.... =p  I think i'll just cut out my time spent in the lobby.   =P

"I tried it once with amp, then I decided I would wait until marriage. Leaning on shoulders."  -mac

Caitlyn and Ian.  Are you happy now?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cows and Chicken Dogs and Pigs!

So last night I was up till 2 in the morning looking up country songs on youtube.  Country music is different than other types of music. It makes me laugh and cry and like Texas.
Tim Hawkins has ruined (improved) several country songs for me.

Also I like this song:

Got a fist bump from the Mighty Mind Tonight.  =P

A group of us wanted to go to sonic but only Honey B. wanted to drive.
Honey B. - "We can get like 5 or 6 in my car"
Me - "You could probably fit like 12 since you a Mexican!"
Honey B. - "You're mean!  I'm not going to take you to sonic!"
Everyone else (laughing) - "Shane That's horrible!"
Someone - punched me
Ian -  Fist bump "I can't help but laughing!"

You got to love the little things in life.  =D

Also my sister is gorgeous!  =D

Monday, November 14, 2011

He of the Mighty Mind

So last night I was hungry and I didn't have any money.  I texted Ian to see if he had any flex money.  He said he did.  I asked he would be willing to buy me a chicken basket.  He said sure I'll bring you one.  So he decides it would be funny to take the leftover scraps and put them together to give it to me.   Well sure I was thankful for the food and i ate it, but it's not as good when you are expecting him to buy you a full chicken meal.

Then since he is just the most amazing person I know he bought me a full chicken basket.   He is just the best person in the whole entire world.  =P

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Defensive Driving

So I am a complete moron and I put off taking a defensive driving till now.  This class is painful.   I don't know if I am going to be able to get it done in time and get all the paper work in.

"Women have poorer night vision than men."

I went to sonic.   Jacob is funny.   Polaroids are what Santa takes on Christmas eve to give him the energy to travel the world in one night.  Just stick a reindeer horn in you r vein and squeeze Rudolph nose.

Leah wanted me to blog about her.  She told me that if she had 20,000$ to just give away she'd give it to me so i wouldn't have to leave school.  =D  what a sweetie.

Heighth with an h isn't a real word.   Look it up.  -.-  There is a red squiggly under heighth.  Type it into word.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Ian can only say spirituality about 20% of the time.   Next time you see him you should ask him to say it.  :)

That's all I can think of saying today.

Monday, November 7, 2011


I missed psych last week cause I had homework or something...  Or I wanted to go to bed early idk.

I got a 97 on my last differential equations test.  I got points taken off cause of a stupid mistake.... Sometimes it seems like I'm doomed to imperfection.  o.0  =P

I'm actually doing my homework when i should instead of procrastinating.  It feels good to be able to go to sleep when I want knowing that my homework is done.  I could spend time in the lobby tonight without feeling guilty.  cause I did my homework... instead of procrastinating.......

psst... want to know a secret?  If you do your homework during the day you actually have more free time when you want it.

Then you can do fun stuff like watch a TV show that want to watch.  And you don't have to make a friend wait 4 days to watch it.  If I made a friend wait entire week to watch a show I would be sooooo grateful that he is willing to call me his friend. What a nice guy.

I had 108 page views a couple of days ago.  I wonder if it was cause of the Yac card.  And I wonder if any of the people that looked once will come back and keep looking.

My brother started  playing mine craft recently.  I have yet to see the appeal of that game.  But since I am switching to CSE I will probably inevitably unfortanately hopefully not find myself playing that game.  I might also find myself wearing glasses, button up shirts, suspenders and pants pulled up to my armpits....  That'll be the day.

Good Night.  

Merry Christmas.

"Wake me if your out there!"

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I went to Church

I went to church this week for the first time in like a month.

I went to Ian's Church

The message was on sexual immorality.  The church rated the sermon PG13.  IT wasn't anything that i wouldn't mind my kids hearing.

He said that wives shouldn't be naggy.  Also he said that girls shouldn't pursue guys.  But they could drop hints like Genesis 2:18...

I love Tyler Antcliff.   I watched a movie with him two nights ago.  I should hang out with him more often.

Someone posted my blog on the yac wall.   I wonder who did that?...

And someone also wrote Alysa Nash and put a big heart around her name.... I wonder who did that?!?  =P

Monday, October 31, 2011

I miss zac

I updated my blogs..  the other one goes into more detail about why i'm switching my major.

I haven't read the whole Bible.   Which is bad cause I really should.  I've been reading a little bit of it lately.   Some of it is funny if you have my sense of humor. 

"Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died."

Stuff like that can make me laugh.

Monday, October 24, 2011

With friends like these who needs enemies.

So tonight was another late night.   Just me staying up later than i should have to because I keep procrastinating on my homework.

Soooooo..... I was talking to some through Skype, everything was just peachy, THEN that person signed off without saying goodbye!!!!!  I guess I can take a hint.   :''''''''(   LSTYD

I'm pretty sure that Taylor swift is singing about me in half of her songs.

Windings.   When you read that how do you pronounce it your head?   win dings,  wind ings, whine dings.

I had a lab Wednesday and I read that word a dozen times and I had know idea what it meant.  I pronounced it win dings.  and said "is that kinda like doohickey or thingamajig? ('Thingamajig' is in Google's word bank by the way.   I didn't know that was a real word. =D)  She laughed at me.   At the time I thought it was because I was being funny making fun of the lap report.  But now I can't help but thinking that she was laughing at me cause i didn't know how to pronounce the word.  Story of my life.

I'm going to go to bed at 4.   I don't know why i keep doing. this to myself.   Sometimes I wish I could go to school but not classes.  If I would have started my homework at noon I could have gotten it all done before 8 or nine.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Whine... moan...

I had four days to catch up/Do my homework.   I didn't start till after lunch on the fourth day.   I am going to be up late.   Woe is me.
....5 hours later...

I tried going to bed, but I couldn't fall asleep.  So I'm doing more homework.  I got all of the important homework done.   I'm going to go eat then see if I can take an hour nap before class.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


So I haven't been to any of my morning classes for over a week now.    I hate going to them.   I can't pay attention.   I don't learn much from teachers anyways.   I learn from doing homework.

So I have drawn up about 5 YAC cards so far.  Some of them are dedicated to specific people.   I think I will have a fun time this next 4 day weekend.

YAC stands for Yellow Jacket Activity Council.   Their mascot is a yak 

Shauna is coming in 3 days!!  I can't wait!

I am currently listening to Ian whine about Dif EQ homework.  He gets so frustrated it's funny.  "Take that haters!"

I forgot how much I enjoy hanging out around Zac. zac zac zac   I almost miss him as a room mate.  =D

This week I am going to abstain from being in the main lobby past 7.   I can't go out there until all my homework for the week is done.   It's helped me so far.   I actually got homework done.   As apposed to not getting it done.

I'm tired.   I'm going to bed.  Good night all you loyal blog followers!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Sister Can Has Cheez Its?

So my sister is coming up this weekend for the Anberlin / Switchfoot concert.

She is really excited about coming up here.   She more excited about the concert than getting to see me. =(
Anyways.   She needs a place to stay on campus.  

Does anyone want to let her and one of her friends stay in your room?  I would let her sleep on my floor but LeTourneau won't allow that.

Here is why you should host her!!
  • She is house trained 
  • She will clean your room\bathroom
  • Will eat all your Cheez Its if you leave them our
  • Knowing her might help you understand why I act the way I do
  • She is funny
  • She has a "great" personality
  • She is 4' 11''
  • Weighs 92 lbs wet
  • Blue eyes 
  • Brown hair
  • Like Piña Coladas
  • Likes getting caught in the rain
  • Does not like yoga
  • Has half a brain
  • Likes......nvm
  • Thinking of good things about my sister is hard...
  • Is studying to be an engineer
  • She is related to me
  • She is into harder music than I am
  • Loves her stupid fat dog
  • She is a girl
  • Can make sandwiches
  • Can't drive (Cause she is a woman)
  • She goes to A&M
  • You'll have a great time
  • You'll be a good Christian for hosting her
  • I'll give you a hug if you host her
  • Can you deny a face like this?


You are so special!  =D  =P

Friday, October 7, 2011


When I drink a root 44 slushy I get really jittery.  WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Also also also ummm...........  Hi.

I am so sore.  The left side of my neck is sore and when I stretch it I can feel it all the way down to my lower back.  Some one should massage me.  =D

Also If anyone has a habit of doing homework till late hours of the night they should join me.  I just get sooooo lonely at night.  =(   Or I could just do it during the day like I should....

I have a dif E Q test tomorrow.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Turkey om nom

Soooo..... Thanksgiving is 7 weeks away.  I don't have anywhere to go.  Some one should invite me somewhere.  Since it's 7 weeks away I'll blog about it closer to the time.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why. Did. He. Do. That?

i. DeCiDeD two MaEk THis BloG post aNoyiNG!   WEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeE.

eye. got. some. baja. homework.   I. am. pretty. excited. about. it.

So. I. had. to. use. the. bathroom. at. 3. in. the. morning. last. night. Well. my. toilet. light. won't. turn. on. unless. there. has. been. movement. in. both. of. the. rooms. in. the. last. 20. minutes. I. go. to. crack. the. door.   Brendan. sits. straight. up. and. yells. HEY!. What. are. you. doing?!.  We're. free. to. go get. one!?. .Then. he. rolled. over. and. went. back. to. sleep. I. might. have. to. take. a. video. camera. in. there. a. few. of. theses. nights. to. see. if. I. can. get. him. on. camera.

I'vE gOt sO mUch cOmIng Up thIs nExt wEEk.   If I Am gOIng tO dO gOOd I wIll hAvE tO wOrk mY bUt Off.   ThAt dOEsn't hAppEn vEry mUch wIth mE thOUgh.

I wAntEd tO blOg AbOUt sOmEthIng ElsE, bUt I dOn't rEmEmbEr whEt It Is....

Friday, September 30, 2011


So three out of the last 4 people I texted haven't returned my texts.  People wonder why I look so depressed all the time.

One of them was my mom.....  she turned 50 today.  old fart.  =P
OK she just texted me.  She started her job today.   I'm so proud.   My momma's growing up.  :')

My little brother is a dork and he sucks video games.   OM NOM NOM  He also has an eating disorder.  He thinks everyone haaaates him!

I got a new calculator.   It is a Ti Nspire CX CAS  It's pretty cool.   It's got higher resolution.  It's got a color display and it has a back light.  And And And it's faster!  WEEEEEE!!!!

And my brother is a dork.

I had a website tell me I was corpulent.  =P   I hadn't heard that word before.

Monday, September 26, 2011


I went to Genghis grill today for dinner.   That place is kinda expensive for me.   I don't think I can go there anymore.  While we were there we had a pretty weird waiter.  He was hitting on the girls the entire time.  He told a story about him and his girlfriend.  He said that once he was so full that he didn't want to have sex with his frisky girlfriend....   I don't know what was worse,  The fact that he was telling us this story in a crowded restaurant or the fact that he didn't want to have sex with his girlfriend because he was FULL!!!  (I don't condone him having sex with his girlfriend before marriage.)  All the time he was telling this story he was sitting uncomfortably close to one of the girls at our table.  I wan't to say something but I didn't know what I should have said...

Baja is going to be taking up a large portion of my time this year.   I spent 6 hours Friday night working on Baja.  So if you can't find me assume that I'm at Baja.  It should be a good experience though.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Yeah, I'm That Guy!

After a game of Volley ball we ponded Andriod.  He is really squirmy.

Clapped in chapel.

Watch 19:00-19:30.

I'm funny.

I Owned in volleyball.

On the way to parkour I walked the loop with Christina.

Owned another game of Volley ball.

I'm tired so this blog won't have any meat.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Some Times I Have No Clue What Is Going On.

Then I remember,   I don't have to know why things work,   I just have to know how they work.

Rachel Fox said my cookies were good!!!!  So did Ally.

I'll make some more next weekend for the sister floor.  cookie dough   om nom nom nom nom

I'm not PSST's best friend!!!!!  :'(  I think I might curl up in a corner and die!!!!

But of course knowing that mighty minded Ian Willard will stoop down to my level to help me with my differential equations homework might be just enough to hold on to this pitiful thing I call life.

I'll probably be up until 3 or 4 doing homework.

Good night to all my loyal followers.  You guys reading this blog just brings so much joy into my life.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Let's Go Back To The Days When We Were Young And All Restless

Some times I wish I could just hang out with friends for the rest of my life.  Too bad life has to happen.

Merry Christmas Ian.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Imperial Star Cruiser

Have I mentioned that I love being around CHD?

SHE 2 decided that it would be fun to pond Android.  They seemed to have a lot of fun.  It is sounding like they might make it a weekly occurrence.   They had too much fun.  I bet he liked it though.

So after being threatened and scolded by numerous guy I stopped poking and picking on Caitlyn.  She must miss it cause it seems that every chance she get she is poking me or picking on me.

I did Parkour tonight.  I am so sore.  My legs and arms hurt.

Freddie and possibly someone else has been spreading around that I give good massages.  I had a couple mention it to me.

And the highlight of my day was scoring a phone number from a mega cutie at the concert tonight!  =P

good night.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Shut Up CHD!!

David Ring is Funny.

So I haven't updated in a while but I've been checking for comments and looking at the traffic.  People are checking to see If I update my blog.   I may put adds on it and make some money.  =P

I've been on a Hawk Nelson phase.   I couldn't go to their concert because of Baja.  I just Bought their new album  Crazy Love (plus The Light Side).  I like it so far.

By the way  I am on the Mini Baja senior design team.  So my Friday and Saturday evenings will probably be taken up a lot by that.  It will be more time intensive than project management,  but I feel like it will be more fun, cause I get to build A car that I can drive, not one that goes 10 feet then falls over.

I played a game of Heroscape with Tyler, Tyler,  CHD, Joy and Jon.  CHD wanted to play but he had only gotten about 4 hours of sleep the night before.    When he is tired he will randomly fall asleep.   It is pretty funny.    Tyler M. got a few pictures of him sleeping in the chair.  He doesn't get to play next time he is tired.  He attacked himself as a strategy.  The game ended in a tie cause of pizza.

I love CHD.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Who says sleep is important?

So for what ever reason I decided It would be a good Idea to stay up doing homework while I watched Prince Caspian....

It's now 5 in the morning.   I don't feel like going to sleep.

I really hate this about me.   When I am thinking intensely about something, especially when I am tired I can forget to breathe.

Yeah There is something wrong with me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Dedicate This Post To My Friend



Monday, August 29, 2011

"I can't tell if you like me or if you hate me."

I'ts 2:30.   I am going to fall asleep in class.

We took the sister floor out to see Rio last night.  Then to sonic afterwards.   They are a great group of girls.  Or at least the ones I see.  A few of them are engineers.  That's really cool.

So Caitlyn want's me to try and be nice to her for 24 hours.  The timer started at 8 pm tonight.  I don't know why she thinks I am incapable of being nice.

Speaking of Cait.   CHD wants to call our floor the griffins.   I kinda like that name.  It would be a cool mascot for our floor.

I'm going to play chess with myself then go to bed.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

First off John's little sister Is pretty darn cool.  
Second off I now know why my sister like cheez-its so much.
Third off I can't sleep.
Fourth  I can't play tennis or raquet ball or any other sport that involves me swinging my arm in an outstretched position.
Fifth I can't sleep.  I just can't get comfortable.

I'm done with numbers.  Speaking of numbers I half jokingly asked a girl for her number and she said no.  I was only a little upset when she called me a creeper.

Over the past couple weeks we have been planning to make some flowers and give them chocolate.  We didn't really think about when or how we would give them it.  Then T3 gave us a perfect opportunity.  They invited them to eat with them at saga. When all the girls got back they were surprised with flower and Chocolate.   Rachel Fox came into our dorm Super Excited.  "You guys definitely won points,  And you gave us chocolate!"   She was really excited about the chocolate. 

Now, I am tired.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I've Got the Best Roommate Ever.

David Ring moved in today.  I am hoping this semeseter will be really good.   I don't foresee many problems with him... yet.

So I bought my sister her birthday present today.   She will get it as soon I get an address from her.   I think she will like it.

Our floor wants to go for a sister floor.   We got some stuff for them tonight.  I'm hoping to get it to them tomorrow night.  =D

---With friends like these well, Who needs enemies?

Saturday, August 20, 2011


My phone is broken when I need it the most.   I feel so unconnected and helpless when I don't have a phone...  The wires that went to the screen somehow got severed.

I also smashed my face in the door.

I got to meet a few of the girls who are going to be on my sister floor.

All of my other friends are going to be coming tomorrow.

I'm tired and should get restful sleep.

I have lots of friends

I have a God who loves me.

I have a family who loves me.

I am going to a great college.

I might be paid for this semester.  I am still waiting to hear back from student accounts.

I get ice cream tomorrow.

My roommate get in tomorrow.

CHD is coming!

I live in america.

I'm not going to hell.

I'm going to sleep.

Freshman 8

So I got 8 freshman this semester that I get to mentor and love and encourage and help with school.

My first meeting with them was kinda awkward.  I ran out of things to say in the first 20 minutes so we just talked about Letourneau for the rest of the time.    They all see like really cool guys.    They like sports though.  So I'll have to play sports with them.   I'll get them involved with ultimate or something.  I mentioned playing Heroscape and some of them have heard of the game and played a couple times!   I'm can't wait.

This semester is going to be super exciting.  I am definitely going to try and win the sister floor.

I've been reading someone's theological blog and it's pretty good.   I have thought about starting another one for more serious thoughts.

For He is the saving grace of the galaxies!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Walls Have Ears.

So it turns out that the girls at LeTourneau are even creepier than the guys.....  It didn't occur at all to me that they could hear us through the floor.   So we basically have no sound privacy.   We also don't have blinds in our rooms. So everyone can see through my window.

This next semester should be a lot of fun.  Getting to know a bunch more guys.

Also I might get to know some more girls.   =D

I found a girl that likes to play Heroscape.  Too bad she is obnoxious. =P



Networking games will be so fun!!!   Do you have any idea how easy it will be to get a full game of call of duty between 60 guys?!?!?!?!

also PSST!!  =P

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Building

I moved into the new building.  I was going to live off campus but they told me I couldn't live off campus.  So I am going to live on campus.

I updated my blog.   I hope you are happy.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

All By Myself

Don't want to be....

I went to the Jeske house this weekend so we could drop Brendan off at the airport.  He is gone so now I am alone in my apartment all by myself.   I have a suite mate but days have gone by when I don't see him.

I love going to the Jeske house but every time I go I am in physical pain.  I guess I am allergic to their cats.  So my nose is constantly running and my throat closes a bit so I'm not breathing naturally.  And  I woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible leg cramp.  It was extremely painful.

Esteban came with me.  He had a alot of fun.  I got food.  I played some games. I pinned walker to the floor and tickled him.   He didn't put up a fight at all.  =D

Highlight of the week:  This weekend I totally got a complement on my biceps.  Pretty great huh?  =D

I'm going to bed.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

10 Dollar Day.

Yesterday I went to six flags for $10.00.   I also got subway for lunch and Golden Coral for dinner.  I rode on almost all of the rides. It so much more fun to ride with your arms up.   about a $70 value for $10.  =D

A couple of the taller people said they blacked out on some of the rides.  I guess that's an advantage of being short.

I had lots of fun with Esteban Andrew and Brendan.  I didn't hang out with any girls.  Go Figure.  -.-

And right now it is pouring rain.   It is so nice.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where are the Chicken Balls?

I finally got super cart fixed at fleet.   Today has been one of the best days for a while.  I fixed super cart.  The patrol car is still on the lift.   A part was broken.  It should be fixed sometime soon.  

I am ready for school to start.  I just can't wait to see all my friends again.  =P  21 days until the impact people show up.  Classes start on the 23rd.  I'm not happy about starting classes though.

I watched The Passion of Christ for the first time yesterday.  Despite some of the theatrical liberties that Mel Gibson took it was as accurate as you could get from reading the Bible.

So I have something to complain about.   When you start a blog you really should update it every once and a while.  You might as well delete your blog if you are not going to update it.  I have a friend that doesn't update.  It's like starting a

I had a Hispanic guy ask me several years ago, when I was working at HEB as a cashier, "Where are the chicken balls?"   I LOLed then told him where the eggs were.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ian Willard is (not) a Stud

Ian signed on to Skype as soon as I started writing this blog. That is why he is a stud.
Then he told me that he does't want to live off campuss with me. He lost a good title.

So I've got two more full weeks before I start impact training. I have a feeling it is going to be almost completely useless. It could be fun though.

So last Saturday Me, Brendan, and Esteban were set up by a girl. We were going to play volleyball, but three people isn't very fun for volleyball. She told us that she was going to show up, then she ignored all of our texts and phone calls when it was time to play. Oh well I forgive her. We got to play with some high school kids. They couldn't hit the ball back over the net.

********************The children don't fall far from the tree here at LeTourneau*********************

Friday, July 15, 2011

Massage My Shoulder.

Today I witnessed a horrible tragedy at work.......

I got to take apart the front end of the police car. That was fun and the first real car work I've been able to do so far. The school buses got the new logos put on today. They look like crap because the signs are cheap and they are about half as big as they need to be.

I stayed up till 1:30 Building a computer for Esteban last night. I made a pretty decent one for $230 ish. I couldn't fall asleep until I had it the way I wanted it.

Woman drivers.... I WANTED TO PULL MY EYES OUT!!! It was painful to watch today as a one of the "fairer" kind tried backing a truck up to fill it with gas.... It took her 5 minutes to do what I could have done in 10 seconds. She couldn't manage to back up straight and had to keep pulling forward to prevent herself from hitting one of the trailers we just spent the last 2 weeks fixing. She would pull forward, then pull back and turn the wheel the wrong way. On about her fifth time pulling back she side swiped the front end of a 30 foot car trailer. If she wasn't driving a truck that was older than me I would have been pretty mad..... Keep in mind that this is a small truck with no trailer. It's no different that backing up a car.

I played sand volley ball tonight. I hyper-extended my shoulder. I managed to play the rest of the night I just could serve overhand. My shoulder is sore.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Life Is Average

I was woken up at 5 in the morning by sprinklers. I finally walked outside to see why the sprinklers were hitting my window. The sprinklers are only hitting the building. And They hit my window and they wake me up.

Work was super easy.

My Blu Ray player came in today. I spent all day trying to find software to rip Blu Rays. I finally found a good program and I was getting a movie. I tried to open another program which crashed my video card. I looked inside to see what was wrong. I touched the video card.

YOU COULD BOIL WATER ON IT. I burned my finger on the card. When I put the new drive in I didn't make sure the wires were out of the way. So my basically my video card was running for a couple hours without a fan.

For dinner we made spaghetti. I was getting the laptop ready to watch a TV show. Brendan put my plate of spaghetti on my chair........

I sat on my plate of spaghetti.

I was woken up early.

Work was very slow and easy.

I got my Blu Ray drive

I installed it.

Found some software I liked.

I blue screened my computer.

Possibly fried my graphics card.

Sat on my plate of spaghetti.

Went to bed.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sometimes it Takes my Breath away.

I played Ultimate Frisbee today. There was a gorgeous sunset.

Have you ever though about something so hard that you forget to breathe?

When I am concertrating on something really hard I catch my heart beating faster then I realize that I'm not breathing... I've got issues.

I might live off campus next semester, I need to figure it out sometime next week. I'd rather not though.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I'm starting to miss people. =(

When you use the bathroom you should turn the fan on. One of my suite mates keeps forgetting to do it and he stinks up the place really bad. I deem the bathroom unusable for at least a half hour.

Today I say Rango. It had an ok plot. And the animation was beautiful.

************ Ingenuity sets as apart. Chicken express gives us cups for a funnel. **************