Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Life Is Average

I was woken up at 5 in the morning by sprinklers. I finally walked outside to see why the sprinklers were hitting my window. The sprinklers are only hitting the building. And They hit my window and they wake me up.

Work was super easy.

My Blu Ray player came in today. I spent all day trying to find software to rip Blu Rays. I finally found a good program and I was getting a movie. I tried to open another program which crashed my video card. I looked inside to see what was wrong. I touched the video card.

YOU COULD BOIL WATER ON IT. I burned my finger on the card. When I put the new drive in I didn't make sure the wires were out of the way. So my basically my video card was running for a couple hours without a fan.

For dinner we made spaghetti. I was getting the laptop ready to watch a TV show. Brendan put my plate of spaghetti on my chair........

I sat on my plate of spaghetti.

I was woken up early.

Work was very slow and easy.

I got my Blu Ray drive

I installed it.

Found some software I liked.

I blue screened my computer.

Possibly fried my graphics card.

Sat on my plate of spaghetti.

Went to bed.


  1. I laughed when I read that you sat on a plate of spaghetti. I feel like a bad friend. :P

    Are you ever going to visit us down here?

  2. Hahaha you sat on a plate of spaghetti

  3. I don't know when I am going to come down.

  4. So, I'm just wondering, did you have spaghetti pizza? Because you first said you sat on spaghetti, then on pizza... haha
