Saturday, July 30, 2011

All By Myself

Don't want to be....

I went to the Jeske house this weekend so we could drop Brendan off at the airport.  He is gone so now I am alone in my apartment all by myself.   I have a suite mate but days have gone by when I don't see him.

I love going to the Jeske house but every time I go I am in physical pain.  I guess I am allergic to their cats.  So my nose is constantly running and my throat closes a bit so I'm not breathing naturally.  And  I woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible leg cramp.  It was extremely painful.

Esteban came with me.  He had a alot of fun.  I got food.  I played some games. I pinned walker to the floor and tickled him.   He didn't put up a fight at all.  =D

Highlight of the week:  This weekend I totally got a complement on my biceps.  Pretty great huh?  =D

I'm going to bed.

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