Monday, September 26, 2011


I went to Genghis grill today for dinner.   That place is kinda expensive for me.   I don't think I can go there anymore.  While we were there we had a pretty weird waiter.  He was hitting on the girls the entire time.  He told a story about him and his girlfriend.  He said that once he was so full that he didn't want to have sex with his frisky girlfriend....   I don't know what was worse,  The fact that he was telling us this story in a crowded restaurant or the fact that he didn't want to have sex with his girlfriend because he was FULL!!!  (I don't condone him having sex with his girlfriend before marriage.)  All the time he was telling this story he was sitting uncomfortably close to one of the girls at our table.  I wan't to say something but I didn't know what I should have said...

Baja is going to be taking up a large portion of my time this year.   I spent 6 hours Friday night working on Baja.  So if you can't find me assume that I'm at Baja.  It should be a good experience though.