Monday, December 5, 2011

Can Someone Turn Down The A.C.

A.C. stands for Awkward Couples not Air Conditioning.

So I was going to complain about the fact that all of the late night spots are usually full of awkward couples.    I would kind of like a place that I could go to study that was late at night that wasn't my dorm.  

I was going to go study last night but there were two couples there... (I come to find out later that there were was another I just didn't see them) 

I must have woken one of the couples up cause I got a mean look from the guy.  I left them alone so they could get back to their cuddling.  I really don't see how they could have been comfortable.  They were sitting in a one person chair that was clearly a one person chair.  The girl was on top of the guy.  They had a blanket over them.  There could not have been a clean thought going through his head.

If I ever get to be that physically awkward with a girl I give permission for people to smack me.  Of course I would have to have a girlfriend to be awkward (with a girl).  

So I've been using this alternate keyboard layout for a while now.  Its kind of weird.  My brain is slowly reprogramming itself to adapt to the new layout.  I can almost type completely from memory of key location.  I think I am going to stick with this layout.  Also I am noticing that I don't normally type with all of my fingers on my right hand.  I used to do most of the typing with my left hand and my middle and index finger from my right hand.  aaaaand I am spelling most of my words correctly the first time.

So I am listening to Christmas music, just going through all the Christmas music I have acquired over the years. And every time I come to a song that is sung by a bunch of tune deaf children I shudder and skip the song.  It's not cute it's embarrassing and painful to listen to.

Oh, and Ben talks to himself an awful lot.  I'm not going to know when he is talking to me.... =P

Night  Happy Finals!! 

I Pray that all of you will make it through without stressing out to much.

Merry Christmas!