Friday, December 16, 2011


I spent all day today and yesterday helping my mom move into her new home.   We moved a ton of kitchen cabinets from a three million dollar house to the garage.  They are heavy.

I don't know if it is possible to get anymore annoying than my brother is.  He deems it necessary to flick every bottle cap he finds at me.  Mom had him take off an old toilet seat so we could put a new one on.  (The old one was gross and he is using it as a white elephant gift.) The entire time he was tanking it off he was screaming like he was getting beaten or something.

I would upload pictures of what i had to move but I cant the picture off my phone on this cpu.

ALSO the other day I got to use one of these at a Wendy's!  It's pretty cool.

It is a touch screen coke machine, it has 104 flavors!

buh bye now

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