Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where are the Chicken Balls?

I finally got super cart fixed at fleet.   Today has been one of the best days for a while.  I fixed super cart.  The patrol car is still on the lift.   A part was broken.  It should be fixed sometime soon.  

I am ready for school to start.  I just can't wait to see all my friends again.  =P  21 days until the impact people show up.  Classes start on the 23rd.  I'm not happy about starting classes though.

I watched The Passion of Christ for the first time yesterday.  Despite some of the theatrical liberties that Mel Gibson took it was as accurate as you could get from reading the Bible.

So I have something to complain about.   When you start a blog you really should update it every once and a while.  You might as well delete your blog if you are not going to update it.  I have a friend that doesn't update.  It's like starting a

I had a Hispanic guy ask me several years ago, when I was working at HEB as a cashier, "Where are the chicken balls?"   I LOLed then told him where the eggs were.

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