Wednesday, April 18, 2012

You want my chocolate bunny?

I took a nap today.  when I woke up Ian came in and gave me a flower from Allie.     I think she has the flower giving order backwards.   then Ian gave me his chocolate bunny.

Some little kid called me fat and ugly today.

I love chocolate.

I didn't end up sleeping...

You know how hard it is to think about combinations and permutations when you are tired?

I really don't like pens.  Pencils are so much better.   You see as a race we are fallen and prone to mistakes.   You can't erase pen.  By using a pen you are either saying that you are perfect or you are fine with your mistakes.   With a pencil you can erase your mistakes.  

Christian are like pencil's and Jesus is the eraser.   Admit you are wrong start using a pencil.  Let God fix your mistakes.

"I just want you to know who I am"

1 comment:

  1. I do realize that my analogy isn't airtight.

    But it is an analogy.... and I hate pens.
