Monday, April 30, 2012


Can't wait for this summer to start.   I am so done with school....

Sunday, April 29, 2012

what a way to end the semester

So I guess I am mortal enemies with Katie and Allie now.....

I keep spelling their names wrong.       They get pretty offended about that.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nothing to do here

Katie is a big meany!

So every time I see something funny on the internet I save the link so I can put it on my blog.  So here all the links.   My foot is asleep.



Seem to see this at LeTourneau a lot b:

I wish life could be like this

This is a good list

Support is important


the end.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Time to study like my future depends on it.

So I deleted League of Legends completely off my computer.  And I am going to stop looking at 9gag.

Might stop hanging out in the lobby too.  Time to start coding my video game.  :P

sprites is such a funny word!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Movie Night

We watched 1 and a half movies in the village center.  

We were going to watch Jurassic park but Chris didn't have the entire movie.  So we ordered pizza and watched Mulan.

I gave Katy my Hooddie to wear because she was cold.  I wonder what that means?!

Kevin was there.   He practically made the night.  

This is one of his friends.

Christina to Chris-    "you are making me really hot, Sorry"

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cathy Carter Is Awesome

So tonight I was hungry.   So I texted Cathy Carter and I was all like, I'm hungry.   Then she was all like, then go eat something dude.  Then I was all well I don't have a car that's why I'm texting you.   Then she was all like well I don't want to drive anywhere so you should go to RG's.    But then I said I don't have any flex money.   Then she was all go ask one of your other friends like he of the mighty mind.....    He was all out of flex money.    Then I said Cathy If you buy me a chicken basket I will give you a hug.    Then she was all like OMG  I'll buy 3!!!!!

the end

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

You want my chocolate bunny?

I took a nap today.  when I woke up Ian came in and gave me a flower from Allie.     I think she has the flower giving order backwards.   then Ian gave me his chocolate bunny.

Some little kid called me fat and ugly today.

I love chocolate.

I didn't end up sleeping...

You know how hard it is to think about combinations and permutations when you are tired?

I really don't like pens.  Pencils are so much better.   You see as a race we are fallen and prone to mistakes.   You can't erase pen.  By using a pen you are either saying that you are perfect or you are fine with your mistakes.   With a pencil you can erase your mistakes.  

Christian are like pencil's and Jesus is the eraser.   Admit you are wrong start using a pencil.  Let God fix your mistakes.

"I just want you to know who I am"

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sweet Dreams

I got up at 8:30 today to do homework.   I didn't take a  nap and I am soo tired right now.
had this conversation with Ian today.

[7:52:25 PM] Shane: hey is allie there?
[7:52:52 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: nope just chuck testa
[7:53:31 PM] Shane: ohh... ok
[7:53:45 PM] Shane: well she never talsks to me on skype anymore
[7:54:05 PM] Shane: i feeel like she hates me
[7:54:09 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: she hates you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[7:54:22 PM] Shane: like she never wants to talk to me agian
[7:54:32 PM] Shane: i mean....  i really like her....
[7:54:41 PM] Shane: she is pretty amazing....
[7:55:00 PM] Shane: and is a great cook... along with cathy
[7:55:05 PM | Edited 7:55:10 PM] Shane: but cathy is taken.....
[7:55:20 PM] Shane: mann....
[7:55:25 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: I dont hate you shane
[7:55:29 PM] Shane: I just dont know what to do
[7:55:41 PM] Shane: well you have to love me i give you popcorn
[7:56:03 PM] Shane: you're my suitemate its your job
[7:56:32 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: allie doesnt hate you
[7:57:10 PM] Shane: what about that girl in your roomate's hamock
[7:57:16 PM] Shane: i cant remember her name
[7:57:35 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: no, she doesnt hate you either; she thinks youre adorable
[7:58:12 PM] Shane: awwww
[7:58:19 PM] Shane: she is pretty adorable too
[7:58:34 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: she says thank you
[7:58:51 PM] Shane: yw
[7:59:59 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: but you can't steal Tyler's girl
[8:00:18 PM] Shane: he doesn't really like her though
[8:00:26 PM] Shane: she hits to hard for him
[8:00:31 PM] Shane: he is tooooo sensitive
[8:01:35 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: you do know that you are talking to allie, not ian, right?
[8:02:49 PM] Shane: noooooo
[8:02:53 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: yup

Tyler fell asleep on my bed tonight.   Aint he cute?

"My life would suck without you!"

Friday, April 13, 2012


I don't work out.

I went out Whataburger tonight with Cathy Carter and Allie.    I shouldn't have gotten anything. I was't hungry.

I haven't decided yet whether or not I am going to go to sleep....   I am so far behind in homework.  I should do some before i go to bed.

I like Google plus so much better than facebook.   Too bad no one uses it.

The hangout feature is really cool.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


girl look at that body....

I freaking hate sleep...  Why cant I ever when sleep when I want to!!!  At least I can eat breakfast.

I got punched in the face at chapel today by Tyler's fake girlfriend.

I have a test today that I am going to fail.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Girl look at that body.

I didn't sleep last night.     I just didn't feel like it.     I really don't like going to sleep knowing that I will have to get up before I want to.     I wish i could get 12 hours a night but there isn't enough time in the day.


Wake me up when I can just pause life and not do anything... for a very long time.

So as much as I hate to admit it I need a new phone.    I dropped mine outside abbey's house or her rock sidewalk.   It shattered the screen leaving spiderweb-cracks.   Little bits of glass come out when I rub my finger over the screen to open the phone.     oh well...  Just one more year till I can get a new phone.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Girl look at that body.

I got so much sleep today.    I needed a break from my break.   I slept for a long time then I went to class then I slept some more.  I feel like I have so much going on right now.

Friday, April 6, 2012



I'M FUNNY!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why do coke machines have change return buttons if they don't work?

Thought this was funny.

This is funny too.

Monday, April 2, 2012

You don't know what you got till it's gone.

I missed my headphones so much.  I am so thankful that Ben fixed them.   Now I don't have to listen to him talking to himself.

So I have a couple of rants.   Ian is a butt-head, but to save face I won't say what he was asking of me.

And here is my bigger rant:   This isn't aimed at any one girl in particular but more at the female species.  When a guy is trying to do something nice for you like opening a door or taking your plate from the table you should let him.  When I do it I am just doing it to be nice.  I'm not trying to win your heart or get in your pants...   So just chill and let me clear your plate or open a freaking door for you.    It hurts my feelings when I am denied the opportunity to be chivalrous.  

blahhhhhh   blaaahhhh arrrggg

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 7591

Give or take a day or two.

Whether it is because my printer is 14 years old or because my computer is a tard I don't know.   But every time I plug in my printer my computer creates a new instance of the video driver.  So I have 5+ printers that will show up when I need to select a printer.

I played in the lol tournament last night.    My team went 1 and 2.    The game that we did was only because the team was brand new at the game.    It doesn't matter if you are good at video games if you are new at lol you suck.

Thanks to the people that came out to watch our team: He of the Mighty Mind, Kitty Cat, mamma fox, mamma lion,  honey b, grizzly, psst, mac, ALEJANDRO!!!, and whoever else I'm forgetting.    Except Jacob Hurts because all he did was annoy me.   Was singing loud enough for all the mikes in the room to pick him up. It produced a cool yet extremely annoying echo sound effect....   Next time he decides to share his golden pipes with the world I'd rather not be playing lol.  =P

Ben fixed my headphones.

I tried going to sleep at a decent hour but I couldn't fall asleep....   I had told Rachel goodnight and she asked me if that had meant that I was going to bed,  I told her no.... I didn't know how true that statement was.  =''(

Since I couldn't fall asleep I decided to memorize the Romans verse.   I almost have the entire thing.  Pretty good for one night.

Saga doesn't open for another two hours.    I had planned on going to church.   I don't know if that is going to happen now.

"I was born to tell you I love you."