Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey day.

My dad bought me a neti pot....  It doesn't work for me.   Zac says it works for him though,

I went to abbey's house for Thanksgiving.  And we had turkey.  And we watched two movies. And i didn't do any school.  And I had stuffing.  and I got stuffed. So stuffed.  I also ate like 6 times the allergy medicine cause I am allergic to abbey or her family house or her cats.  I watched cars 2 and I watched captain america.  It was just so much fun!!   Then I played Frisbee and I won.

Ian's Taylor swift video almost has 16,000 views.

I started playing league of legends.   I really shouldn't be playing any games for a while.... =p  I think i'll just cut out my time spent in the lobby.   =P

"I tried it once with amp, then I decided I would wait until marriage. Leaning on shoulders."  -mac

Caitlyn and Ian.  Are you happy now?

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