Monday, September 12, 2011

Shut Up CHD!!

David Ring is Funny.

So I haven't updated in a while but I've been checking for comments and looking at the traffic.  People are checking to see If I update my blog.   I may put adds on it and make some money.  =P

I've been on a Hawk Nelson phase.   I couldn't go to their concert because of Baja.  I just Bought their new album  Crazy Love (plus The Light Side).  I like it so far.

By the way  I am on the Mini Baja senior design team.  So my Friday and Saturday evenings will probably be taken up a lot by that.  It will be more time intensive than project management,  but I feel like it will be more fun, cause I get to build A car that I can drive, not one that goes 10 feet then falls over.

I played a game of Heroscape with Tyler, Tyler,  CHD, Joy and Jon.  CHD wanted to play but he had only gotten about 4 hours of sleep the night before.    When he is tired he will randomly fall asleep.   It is pretty funny.    Tyler M. got a few pictures of him sleeping in the chair.  He doesn't get to play next time he is tired.  He attacked himself as a strategy.  The game ended in a tie cause of pizza.

I love CHD.

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