Friday, September 30, 2011


So three out of the last 4 people I texted haven't returned my texts.  People wonder why I look so depressed all the time.

One of them was my mom.....  she turned 50 today.  old fart.  =P
OK she just texted me.  She started her job today.   I'm so proud.   My momma's growing up.  :')

My little brother is a dork and he sucks video games.   OM NOM NOM  He also has an eating disorder.  He thinks everyone haaaates him!

I got a new calculator.   It is a Ti Nspire CX CAS  It's pretty cool.   It's got higher resolution.  It's got a color display and it has a back light.  And And And it's faster!  WEEEEEE!!!!

And my brother is a dork.

I had a website tell me I was corpulent.  =P   I hadn't heard that word before.

Monday, September 26, 2011


I went to Genghis grill today for dinner.   That place is kinda expensive for me.   I don't think I can go there anymore.  While we were there we had a pretty weird waiter.  He was hitting on the girls the entire time.  He told a story about him and his girlfriend.  He said that once he was so full that he didn't want to have sex with his frisky girlfriend....   I don't know what was worse,  The fact that he was telling us this story in a crowded restaurant or the fact that he didn't want to have sex with his girlfriend because he was FULL!!!  (I don't condone him having sex with his girlfriend before marriage.)  All the time he was telling this story he was sitting uncomfortably close to one of the girls at our table.  I wan't to say something but I didn't know what I should have said...

Baja is going to be taking up a large portion of my time this year.   I spent 6 hours Friday night working on Baja.  So if you can't find me assume that I'm at Baja.  It should be a good experience though.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Yeah, I'm That Guy!

After a game of Volley ball we ponded Andriod.  He is really squirmy.

Clapped in chapel.

Watch 19:00-19:30.

I'm funny.

I Owned in volleyball.

On the way to parkour I walked the loop with Christina.

Owned another game of Volley ball.

I'm tired so this blog won't have any meat.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Some Times I Have No Clue What Is Going On.

Then I remember,   I don't have to know why things work,   I just have to know how they work.

Rachel Fox said my cookies were good!!!!  So did Ally.

I'll make some more next weekend for the sister floor.  cookie dough   om nom nom nom nom

I'm not PSST's best friend!!!!!  :'(  I think I might curl up in a corner and die!!!!

But of course knowing that mighty minded Ian Willard will stoop down to my level to help me with my differential equations homework might be just enough to hold on to this pitiful thing I call life.

I'll probably be up until 3 or 4 doing homework.

Good night to all my loyal followers.  You guys reading this blog just brings so much joy into my life.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Let's Go Back To The Days When We Were Young And All Restless

Some times I wish I could just hang out with friends for the rest of my life.  Too bad life has to happen.

Merry Christmas Ian.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Imperial Star Cruiser

Have I mentioned that I love being around CHD?

SHE 2 decided that it would be fun to pond Android.  They seemed to have a lot of fun.  It is sounding like they might make it a weekly occurrence.   They had too much fun.  I bet he liked it though.

So after being threatened and scolded by numerous guy I stopped poking and picking on Caitlyn.  She must miss it cause it seems that every chance she get she is poking me or picking on me.

I did Parkour tonight.  I am so sore.  My legs and arms hurt.

Freddie and possibly someone else has been spreading around that I give good massages.  I had a couple mention it to me.

And the highlight of my day was scoring a phone number from a mega cutie at the concert tonight!  =P

good night.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Shut Up CHD!!

David Ring is Funny.

So I haven't updated in a while but I've been checking for comments and looking at the traffic.  People are checking to see If I update my blog.   I may put adds on it and make some money.  =P

I've been on a Hawk Nelson phase.   I couldn't go to their concert because of Baja.  I just Bought their new album  Crazy Love (plus The Light Side).  I like it so far.

By the way  I am on the Mini Baja senior design team.  So my Friday and Saturday evenings will probably be taken up a lot by that.  It will be more time intensive than project management,  but I feel like it will be more fun, cause I get to build A car that I can drive, not one that goes 10 feet then falls over.

I played a game of Heroscape with Tyler, Tyler,  CHD, Joy and Jon.  CHD wanted to play but he had only gotten about 4 hours of sleep the night before.    When he is tired he will randomly fall asleep.   It is pretty funny.    Tyler M. got a few pictures of him sleeping in the chair.  He doesn't get to play next time he is tired.  He attacked himself as a strategy.  The game ended in a tie cause of pizza.

I love CHD.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Who says sleep is important?

So for what ever reason I decided It would be a good Idea to stay up doing homework while I watched Prince Caspian....

It's now 5 in the morning.   I don't feel like going to sleep.

I really hate this about me.   When I am thinking intensely about something, especially when I am tired I can forget to breathe.

Yeah There is something wrong with me.