Friday, September 7, 2012


I have a job interview in 5 1/2 hours and i cant fall asleep.   Interviews always make me nervous.   That and I have myself on a absolutely horrible sleep schedule.  Basically I've been staying up till I felt like going to sleep then waking up when I felt like it.
I missed a call from two employers cause I was sleeping and I had turned my ringer off...
I will hopefully have another interview after this one.

I really wish I could just skip college and start working.   I'm tired of being tested on what i have memorized not on what i can do.   And there is so much superfluous material that has nothing to do with my career.  "It's so you can become a more rounded individual."  I say BAAH.  It's a dumb excuse for universities to make money and waste more time.  

I really wish employers would higher new employees without an education and just have them work for a few years at reduced pay until they learn what they need to for the job.  It would be a much better system and would save a lot of money...

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