Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bye Bye Bam Bam

So this past Saturday I went on Letourneau's mystery bus.   We got on a bus and went to Dallas.  We didn't know what we were doing.

We had dinner and watched a movie then we went rock climbing.  We watched Big Miracle...  It was a movie about how everyone has ulterior motives and it explains why our countries are in so much debt.  It also villainizes the humble poor little Eskimos. The evil Greenpeace lady wants to waste all the money in the world to save 3 freaking whales.  1 dies.  HALLELUJAH!

I am glad that some people like to visit my blog if they are bored.

So I actually did my circuits homework tonight and it wasn't that bad.  I did it up in MSC 3 with Ben and Mihary.  It was going pretty good and I was learning.  Mihary would teach me how to do the problem and I would get it done before before she would.  And I would get it done right.  Everything was going along just great until Mihary got excited started doing a jig.  Ben called her cute and then they started tickling each other. It was kinda disgusting.  I almost hurled. 


  1. It is understandable that your title for this entry makes no sense to me?

  2. You had to watch the whale movie. The baby whale who dies was named Bam Bam.

  3. YOU RUINED THE MOVIE FOR ME! Thanks a lot! >_< :P
