Saturday, August 20, 2011

Freshman 8

So I got 8 freshman this semester that I get to mentor and love and encourage and help with school.

My first meeting with them was kinda awkward.  I ran out of things to say in the first 20 minutes so we just talked about Letourneau for the rest of the time.    They all see like really cool guys.    They like sports though.  So I'll have to play sports with them.   I'll get them involved with ultimate or something.  I mentioned playing Heroscape and some of them have heard of the game and played a couple times!   I'm can't wait.

This semester is going to be super exciting.  I am definitely going to try and win the sister floor.

I've been reading someone's theological blog and it's pretty good.   I have thought about starting another one for more serious thoughts.

For He is the saving grace of the galaxies!

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