Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I can't wait for the weekend.

Quad 4 has 4 Frisbee games this week. We have already played 2 of them. We kicked butt. This last game the other team was being a little irritating.

We are going to move into the new dorm next semester. I don’t know who I am going to room with... I should probably figure that out soon.

Zac: I could still room with him. I’m not mad at him right now.
Antcliff: He’s being all anal right now and I can’t room with him if he keeps that up.
Mclaughlin: I could room with him. I would probably annoy him though.
Brendan: We would have all the same classes, But I would annoy him too... :'( I’m annoying.
John: I could room with John, But he wants to room with Tyler M.
Chris: Weird sleep schedule
Ben: ...Atari...
Swimm: Icebox
Sam: homophobe
Karsten : Jacob
Jacob: Karsten
David R: “Shut up no one likes you”
Bryce: RA
Joseph: “Have you heard about the latest Ubuntu?” “I don’t follow Pokémon.” (lie)
David down under: He’s moving to another dorm!!!! :'( :'(
Jimmy: So Young
CHD: .......Do I even need to explain this one?... ......... ..................................................................
Tae Yawng: Is that how you spell it?

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