Wednesday, May 2, 2012

almost done

I finished my paper...

I have one more final at 3 pm then Freeeedom...


I cant wait I am pretty excited for the summer to start.  I tired of this semester.   so much crap.... I am ready for it all to be over.   I want to breathe. and take a nap.  and sleep
and not eat saga food.
and not do school
and not do school.

and sleep.... speaking of which  goodnight.

And to all my graduating friends out there that are going to be making the big bucks keep me in mind if you feel like giving  to charity.     I am a charity case.

also i want this:

hoadusaroehdutnaodunthaode utsnhaod.utcragodh .,rcudaoestnuh n-ato. hu

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