Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tired but Still Going.

Hi my name is Shane Dublin.
Last night I stayed up very late.
I went to bed last night at 7.
My roomate came in at midnight and started playing call of duty for a couple of hours.
He played for a couple of hours then he went to bed.
I tried to go to bed, but I couldn't fall asleep.
So I thought I read a bit then go on a walk.
I tried to go to bed but I couldn't fall asleep.
So at about 3 in the morning I decided to go on a walk.
I took a few steps outside and decided to go hamgout in MSC.
There are Christmas lights hung up.  It's a very soothing atmosphere.
I sat on the couch tired as all get out.
I tried falling asleep but my mind wouldn't fall asleep.
I laid and sat there for three hours.
I gave up sleeping so i wemt back to my dorm and played video games for a few hours.
At 8 I was tired enough to go to sleep.
The end.

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