Friday, December 23, 2011


Half of my house is under construction. All the tile in the kitchen is ripped up and a wall is mostly torn down.
The fridge is in the middle of the mess and there is a trashcan full of broken tile and sheet rock in the middle of the living room.   

The first time I took a shower the shower head exploded on me. 

I had chic fil a for dinner

I'm going to start coding something so i can get ahead in school.

Friday, December 16, 2011


I spent all day today and yesterday helping my mom move into her new home.   We moved a ton of kitchen cabinets from a three million dollar house to the garage.  They are heavy.

I don't know if it is possible to get anymore annoying than my brother is.  He deems it necessary to flick every bottle cap he finds at me.  Mom had him take off an old toilet seat so we could put a new one on.  (The old one was gross and he is using it as a white elephant gift.) The entire time he was tanking it off he was screaming like he was getting beaten or something.

I would upload pictures of what i had to move but I cant the picture off my phone on this cpu.

ALSO the other day I got to use one of these at a Wendy's!  It's pretty cool.

It is a touch screen coke machine, it has 104 flavors!

buh bye now

Things You Learn in College

I was watching a TV show last night that kept bringing up the IQ test.   The show was equating a higher IQ to higher intelligence.

The IQ test was developed in the early 1900's to determine weather or not a child was retarded.  The test was designed to show hos stupid the person was.  Mot how smart the person was.   Having a high IQ does not correlate to high intelligence.  Thank you Dr. French for my enlightenment.

Also in searching for the origins of the IQ test I found out where the word moron came from.   H. H. Goddard coined the term to describe a person who was in-between an idiot and a normal person.  An imbecile was a person of the lowest intelligence.  Now we can't use those words anymore because they have became insults.

I could just hear people back then.

"No, no sweety. You're not an idiot,  you're just a moron."

And the Nazi's used it to test people.  If you failed the test you got killed.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Arizona Drivers

Driving in Arizona can be so frustrating.   Everyone speeds.  Which I might expect on a highway.  But not in the middle of the city.   Also in Arizona it seems to be acceptable to run a red light if you are turning left.  The water here tastes bad too.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Over the Woods

And through the rivers to Grandmother's house we go!

Well, I'll go right after we turn around to go get Ben's passport.

Chris, out of the kindness of his heart told Ben that he would drive him and his girlfriend all the way to Dallas. A 4 hour round trip. Well we got about 45 minutes out when Ben realized that he didn't have his passport.  At the end of it all it ended up taking 4.5 hours for what should have been a 2 hour trip.   Thank you Ben.

I don't think I'll be working this Christmas break other than what my mom and grandma need me to do.

I miss all my friends sooooo much!!!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

One Word!


I am done with finals.  I'll be flying to Arizona Saturday.  I am leaving Letourneau Friday morning.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So it turns out that looking over class notes while studding can actually be beneficial.  I'm surprised how much useful information I wrote down.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Can Someone Turn Down The A.C.

A.C. stands for Awkward Couples not Air Conditioning.

So I was going to complain about the fact that all of the late night spots are usually full of awkward couples.    I would kind of like a place that I could go to study that was late at night that wasn't my dorm.  

I was going to go study last night but there were two couples there... (I come to find out later that there were was another I just didn't see them) 

I must have woken one of the couples up cause I got a mean look from the guy.  I left them alone so they could get back to their cuddling.  I really don't see how they could have been comfortable.  They were sitting in a one person chair that was clearly a one person chair.  The girl was on top of the guy.  They had a blanket over them.  There could not have been a clean thought going through his head.

If I ever get to be that physically awkward with a girl I give permission for people to smack me.  Of course I would have to have a girlfriend to be awkward (with a girl).  

So I've been using this alternate keyboard layout for a while now.  Its kind of weird.  My brain is slowly reprogramming itself to adapt to the new layout.  I can almost type completely from memory of key location.  I think I am going to stick with this layout.  Also I am noticing that I don't normally type with all of my fingers on my right hand.  I used to do most of the typing with my left hand and my middle and index finger from my right hand.  aaaaand I am spelling most of my words correctly the first time.

So I am listening to Christmas music, just going through all the Christmas music I have acquired over the years. And every time I come to a song that is sung by a bunch of tune deaf children I shudder and skip the song.  It's not cute it's embarrassing and painful to listen to.

Oh, and Ben talks to himself an awful lot.  I'm not going to know when he is talking to me.... =P

Night  Happy Finals!! 

I Pray that all of you will make it through without stressing out to much.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tired but Still Going.

Hi my name is Shane Dublin.
Last night I stayed up very late.
I went to bed last night at 7.
My roomate came in at midnight and started playing call of duty for a couple of hours.
He played for a couple of hours then he went to bed.
I tried to go to bed, but I couldn't fall asleep.
So I thought I read a bit then go on a walk.
I tried to go to bed but I couldn't fall asleep.
So at about 3 in the morning I decided to go on a walk.
I took a few steps outside and decided to go hamgout in MSC.
There are Christmas lights hung up.  It's a very soothing atmosphere.
I sat on the couch tired as all get out.
I tried falling asleep but my mind wouldn't fall asleep.
I laid and sat there for three hours.
I gave up sleeping so i wemt back to my dorm and played video games for a few hours.
At 8 I was tired enough to go to sleep.
The end.

Friday, December 2, 2011

All Nighters

I stayed up till forever.  I was working on my digital project.  We made wall-e.  We couldn't get the programming right.  I don't know what grade I'm going to get on the project.

At 6 you ask flight majors what they are doing up so early.

At 6 you ask engineering majors what they are doing up so late.

I'm so funny.

Tyler Antcliff suggested using Dvorak cause you can type a lot faster.
You are supposed to be able to type twice as fast.  The qwerty keyboard layout was designed to make people type slower because the original type writers would jam due to the most pressed keys being to close together.

This is going to take a while to get used to.  

I've got a headache so I am going to go to bed.