Saturday, May 14, 2011


This summer I am staying at college and working on grounds full time here at Letourneau. I'm not taking any classes I am just working. I am going to start looking for more work.

About a week or so ago my parents officially got divorced. My mom is going to move to Arizona and my Dad found a job in Mississippi. My sister will start college at A&M in the fall and my brother will move to Arizona with my mom.

I found a bunch of tv shows and movies that I can watch to keep me entertained. I started Thursday And since then have watched seventeen 43 minute episodes. 3 the first night, 8 the second and 6 tonight. Abbey Jeske is watching Brendan and me. She was on my bed for 5 hours tonight! =P I wasn't on the bed with her though.... :'(

Work has been good for the most part and I have a lot of free time.

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