Thursday, April 28, 2011


I am going to be staying at LeTourneau over the summer. I am going to be working full time on grounds. I will try and see if I can pick up another job over the summer. I am excited for the summer to start. Hopefully I can catch up on sleep. Hopefully I can lose some weight too. That would be cool. Parkour would be easier.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 6

Since I keeping failing to get the amount of sleep I plan on, I won't update until I do something successfully.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Polyphasic Sleep" day 5

I still haven't been able to get the sleep the way i wanted to yet. It's really hard to get naps in in the middle of the day when you live on a college campus. My roommate had told me he was going to do the sleep cycles with me. He doesn't want to do it anymore. I still want.

I figure that the first night i can actually get up after 4.5 hours of sleep i would be able to really get started on my sleep schedule. I've been getting about 6-7 hours of sleep and I'm taking random naps during the day.

I'm going to try really hard to get up tomorrow morning at 4:30 or 5.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 3

Today i faild my sleep schedule. I got up after only having 5 hours of sleep. I folded laundry, but then cause I was so tired i went to lay down and didnt get up til 2.5 hours later. Im going to keep at this until i get it. I need at least a solid week before I can give up.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Polyphasic sleep morning two.

So last night was my second night of only getting four and a half hours of sleep. I had to get up for work anyway so it wasn't like I could get sleep if I wanted to.

I am only going to work from 7-12 today so I can come back and take a nap and hang out with Walker more.

Zac was supposed to do the polyphasic sleep with me, but he wanted to play video games. I have no idea when he finally went to bed, but my guess is that he will be asleep for quite a while.

I've already been told that I am crazy and that my sleep schedule won't work.
This is what I am doing and why I am doing it:

My plan is to go to bed at midnight and get up 4 and half hours later. Then I will take two 20 minute naps a day; one at 12 and one at 6. The theory behind this sleep is that my body will immediately go into a REM cycle when I take my naps. Look it up online.

I am doing it because my guess is that I only get about 6 hours or less sleep a night anyways and this way I won't be tired even though I am only going to be getting 5.5 hours of sleep.

So call me crazy, but I want to feel rested and this is the best way I can do that with my current schedule.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Polyphasic Sleep

look it up. I think I am going to try it. It should give me another 4 hours or so in my day. I am going to try the everyman cycle. I'll start off slowly and let you know how it goes.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Morgan played peek-a-boo with me yesterday.

It made me smile.


I need to stop playing call of duty for a while. I am way to good.

I played paint ball. I didn't shoot anyone....

Did I mention I am too good at call of duty!!!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So I found out that I might only have to pay about 3000 for college next year. Or it could be up at 13,000. If the government decides to make budget cuts then Idk What I am going to do.

This week is going to be really busy for me. I need to really concentrate and not waste time.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

FREEEEEEEE body diagram.

I got a room in the dorm and I am excited about that. Turns out all of my floor got in the dorm on the same side. You have no idea how happy i am.

You know that feeling you get when you are tired and you don't want to do school? Well I am tired and I don't want to do school.
