Friday, January 21, 2011


I have to work tomorrow. I am going to bed now.

Best day ever.

I had a really good week so far. I got my circuits homework done before midnight. It really isn't that hard. But it is hard to understand.

Friday is coming. I have circuits and calculus tomorrow. I have two classes!

So Bryce brought a girl over to the dorm. Tyler McLaughlin insulted her so she left and came into my room!! =D First time that has happened. She is a really sweet girl. I hope she comes around more often. Maybe with cookies.

And my bandwidth is shot.

I want dead space 2.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's cold

It's cold. College is great. I already have homework.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Getting ready to go.

It's 10:00 pm. Time to start packing. Turns out Tyler is coming back to Letourneau. I was kinda over it and starting to accept him not coming back. He is going to ride back with me. His sister said she liked me. But not like that, as a friend. Second time that has happened to me... Bummer, she is cute. =D

I crimped my first Ethernet cord today! It was so exciting. I works.

I can't wait till i get back to college.


I can't come up to Letourneau until Monday. I am upset. Oh well.

I want to buy Heroscape before it goes completely out of existence. Looking back i which I would have bought a few more of some of the sets. Sets that sold retail 20$ are now 100-200 dollars. Bummer. I wouldn't have known.

I looked through my face past. I commented on a bunch of stuff. That was fun. Now I need to go to bed.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Little Kids Adore Me.

Rush hour traffic sucks. People need to learn to use turn signals. If someone has his turn signal on. Let him over. He is not "cutting you off."

Fiona is awesome. Fiona is 9 almost 10. I went over to the Sanders' house the other night. Fiona gave Shauna a hug, then kyle a fist bump, then she ran and jumped up to give me a hug. I feel so blessed.

And I want to play Heroscape!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

5 days till I leave!!!

I went to Altech's today. I bought a crimper.

It took me an hour and a half to get home.

I am going to work the next couple of days.

I am going to my home school dance on Friday.

I am missing Heroscape. I want to play a game when I get back to college.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

7 days

I will be leaving back to college is 7 days. I will leave after Church. I hope this semester will be better than the last one.