Monday, September 9, 2013

wat do teh fox sai??

I had typed up a bunch of stuff but my phone didn't save it.

I'm going to asu to pursue a a degree in computer science. next semester I'm going to be taking higher level classes.  this semester I'm taking freshman level classes.  the classes are not hard and they have next to no homework. 

I am still hoping to get a job.  If I don't get one this semester then I will be very bored for the rest of the semester.  So if you guys feel like you should be praying about something go ahead and take my case.  

I'm typing this in class on my phone because I can.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

flying weasels

The way my mind works is not unlike a fly wheel.  That is a fly wheel with. next to no friction on the outer and middle edges. it seems to take a long time to get going and and once it gets going I don't know how to stop it.  I can't think in the mornings and somedays I can't seem to think at all.  when I do finally get get my wheel going I find that I understand classes better and can do homework faster.  My video game reflexes and my general awareness goes up too.   The problem then becomes sleeping.  It doesn't matter if I'm dead tired physically and mentally,  my mind keeps going.  I need to find out a way to install effective break pads.   #ioswmbfli (I only sleep when my brain feels like it). 

Friday, August 30, 2013


I Started School last Friday.  I'm taking 12 hours.  I should have signed up for more.   These classes will be pretty easy.   I'm taking a bus to school so that's pretty interesting.   And I'm playing Minecraft.   If you have money it's the best game you'll ever buy.  Come Play with me!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

I got accepted into asu.  So now all I have to do is talk to an academic counselor.

Prolly the most adorable gif.

Also I am making a game and will update the world to my progress.  Be sure to follow my other blog plox.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Post Title

This morning when I got up, I knocked over my lamp and broke one of the bulbs...
Then I played some lol and got more angry than I should ever get playing a game...
Then while reaching for something I pulled a shelf out of the wall in the garage and spilled some soap...

I just broke the filament on the bulb.
I went and exercised to blow off some steam.
The soap was powder.

Now I'm hungry.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


My asu application is under review right now.    Hopefully I will hear something from them soon.   If  I get accepted I'll hopefully be able to get a job at the school.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Yeah sure, Blame it on your ISP

I can't stream until I get better internet.  I'm not going to be able to do that until I get a job.
In the meantime I'm still looking for jobs and trying to get all my crap so I can enroll for next fall.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I need a job

I've started Streaming  cause I don't want a normal job.  I doubt i'll actually make any money on this.   I would have to have 400 watchers..  Some people find me interesting.   And if you want to know what i've been doing you can watch me.

jajajaja  (That's how Mexicans laugh.)

I'll prolly just be playing minecraft or lol..  or doing my homework if I ever get back to school.   I think it could be fun.....
....... aoeuaoensuthaoesnuthaoesntuh


Sunday, March 17, 2013


I have been playing a butt ton of minecraft.  Thats about it.  I really need to get school figured out.   I need to call SAC Monday to get them to send my transcripts to ASU.   I am planning on doing straight computer science.  I really enjoy computers and learning about them.

Monday, February 25, 2013

sleep not

Sometimes I just don't feel like sleeping.  Then I stay up all night I watch netflix, update my blog, then sometimes do somethings I've been procrastinating.  It's a bad habit..   I hat habitses... boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.   I also end up eating a lot of food.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Om nom Apples. a is for apple and apples are good.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I straight up got owned in league of legends today.   was kinda frustrating.   I don't normally get beat that bad.   I still won the match because the rest of my team was doing good, but it was alot longer than normal and was a very close game.

I decided to just run the Ethernet cables along the ceiling or something.

Salsa is good.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cool beans

I bought my brother an Ethernet cable.  I am the nicest guy ever. I think i am going to try to learn how to wire a house for Ethernet.  It will be a challenge.  But I don't have a job And I am bored.

I like oranges.   My grandma gave me a few dozen lemons.  I need to squeeze them so they don't go bad.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Weee.   I'm not working right.

I'm thirsty.   I eat smarties.   I ate and entire bag of cuties.   I should just type the first thingy that comes to my mid.  I wount backpsace on this pest. just to show your have good of a typer i am. you wont be jealous of my typing skills.  feed my some watr.  hahahahahahahahah jajajajajajaja ja im mordekaserr im numero onu.  i wish taht i could feel leiek spleeping more ofter. i is not drunk

cuatro sleeps in my rooms cause my room is warmer than the srest of the hous.. jajajaja

Monday, February 11, 2013


I've been reading up on computers so I don't fall to far behind when I start school again.  Turns out you can press "ctrl + shift + esc" to go straight to the task manager.  It used to be "ctrl + alt + del."

Supposedly I can tag people in my blog posts, but it isn't letting me do it.

Edit:  Now it is working.

Hi +Ian Willard

Saturday, February 9, 2013

It was my brother's birthday on the 7th.  I gave him my old computer. I'm putting a new graphics card in it.  now he will be able to play mine craft without the game lagging.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I thought I had updated my blog and already got two comments on it....  I was disappointing to see that it was an old post.

Well working at night kinda sucks.  The people are nice and fry's is a good company to work for I just don't like the job. I am looking for a new one.    I applied for a few places. hopefully I will hear back from them soon.