Saturday, March 31, 2012

Turn Your Head This Way

Kitty Cat got her family pictures taken today.  It didn't seem to be too fun for her.
I watched star-wars episode one tonight.  I ate sonic food for dinner.

People are great.  I wish I could hang out more.  I have so much school to do.  So much I want to do.  So much I need to do.  I need to go to bed.  

"Are you an angel?"

Friday, March 30, 2012

I have deep conversations.

Just not when people are listening.      It's 5 in the morning.   I decided not to go to sleep.  I started playing lol then i just kept playing... Then I watched an episode of Stargate.

I finally wore one of the shirts my sister got me for Christmas.  I had a meeting today.  I had a whole bunch of people complementing me.   Girls were arguing whether I looked cute or handsome.

I have a lol tournament this weekend my team is going to lose.  ohhh well.....

Allie makes some pretty good desert.  she made this pie.  and it was chocolate.   and it was yuuuuummmyyy.   I would have eaten more but there wasn't any more for me to eat. and I would have died if i ate too much.  I wish she would make food all the time!!  What a lovely girl!

Monday, March 26, 2012

I'm not very good at this thing called sleep.

I don't know how to fall asleep.

Couldn't fall asleep tonight.

I thought this was pretty funny.

Ben is silly in the morning.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


SO my brother was texting me today asking me to play LOL.   I told him that my friend was talking to his girlfriend.

he replies back with a text

"Girl friends are temporary, LOL is eternal."

He is so funny.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

 I would forget to bring my calculator to the one class I'm taking this semester that actually needs it.

The pollen is driving me nuts.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Broken

I broke my nice headphones.  It is really upsetting.   I wish I just had a bunch of money.

I wasn't feeling very good this morning.

Friday, March 9, 2012


You know what bothers be so much about apple?  I don't like how so many of the people will buy the product just because there is a stupid apple on the back of the computer.

But the real thing I don't like is that now apple's products are starting to actually be good.  The new iPod has a ridiculously high resolution for a device of its size.  They also have a really nice monitor.  It is a little pricey but it isn't that much more expensive than its competitors.  The blind following of the hipsters and the people who don't know anything about computers and the mac fanatics have given apple enough money to make their products competitive.

This video is funny.

So we were at dinner and the people of LeTourneau were brought up.

Like a few weeks ago I saw Frodo running up the burm;  cape, walking stick, barefooted, pretty sure he the ring of power around his neck, and I wouldn't be surprised if he had sting on his belt.

Then pick-up lines were brought up.

Kevin is funny. He's like,  pick-up lines for the girls here are easy, just be like,
"You're wearing a cape, you're obviously desperate, I'm single lets do this."


Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba na na na na na Potatoe.  Punch!!

I learned something new in discrete math today!!   If you scribble a circle on a table and keep circling it creates a great dark black spot. It is a pain in the butt to erase.  When you try to erase it it just smudges and turns you eraser black.  Then you can write with your eraser.  Fun stuff.

Also Casey from "Chuck" had an appearance in Stargate SG-1.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Best day ever.

Allie gave me a hug today.   My life is now complete.   I can rest easy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The little things.

LOLOL Ian is literally freaking out.  He comes panicking into my room and asked "Is my nose crooked?!"  "I was washing my face and I leaned over and hit my nose on the sink!"   He then proceed to push and beat his nose to try to make it straight.  He thinks his whole life is ruined and he'll never get a girl friend cause his face isn't perfectly symmetrical.  It's not even that bad.   You wouldn't even notice it if you didn't stare closely at his face. It's funny how much we freak out over the little things in life.

Soooooo.  I have this friend, and this friend promised to play a game with me.  Then this friend ran off with some better friends.  Spur of the moment stuff I was told.  To go do something that was obviously more important than keeping promises.  Oh well guess you knew who your true friends are.  =P =P =P =P =P =P =P =P =P

So pretty much all today and tight I hung out with Allie, Antcliff and Kathy.  Allie and Kathy are pretty fun to hang out with.   I played Mario Kart.  I won. They made us cookies and then we went to Walmart and Taco bell.

Friday, March 2, 2012

What a burger part 2

I went to whataburger again tonight.  

Waaaaaaalleeee  is  soooooo wise.
Food chocolate and napkins...  
LOLOLOLOL   You had to be there.

So I have met Rachel's sister twice.    Every time my sister might be on campus  all of my friends leave.... I don't think that she is that bad...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What a burger

I went to Whataburger last night to do homework.

This week has been pretty crazy.

I'm so behind in school.   I need to do lots of homework.  Hopefully I'll be able to use this weekend wisely.

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing.
Good thing I have a God I still believe in.