Monday, October 29, 2012


I got a job at fry's as a night stalker.  I stalk people at night.  I had training this weekend.  My first day is Monday at midnight / Tuesday morning.   I can't wait.

Now I need to figure out how to get transcripts and all that jazz.

Friday, October 12, 2012

What's up life.

I just bot some stuff for my computer...

My mouse wasn't working right.  So instead of using a new mouse of course I need a new mouse and an ssd.... and another monitor.  It's all for a job I hope to get.  yeaaaahh....

Also I hate sleeping.   I hate it so much.

I bet it was because when I was little my mom would always make me go to bed.  So now I subconsciously see sleep as a punishment.  HashtagImsosmart

Saturday, September 29, 2012

never ending hunger

I need to start school next semester.....

All I do is watch TV and eat food....  

I'm still looking for a job.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I still need a job

I am on episode 157 of Naruto.   It's a pretty good anime.

This is funny.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I'm bored.

I got a twitter.

Monday, September 17, 2012



soo.....  guess what.

That song came on the radio while we were waiting in the drive through for food.

My brother is the biggest dork in the world.

He starts dancing doing the gangnam style dance in the car.

He is shaking the whole car.  The people in the car behind us and the people ordering in the restaurant were laughing at him.

opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp opp

Sunday, September 16, 2012



I went to see the new batman movie today.  It was pretty good.  If you haven't seen it you should go see it.

Nananananaananananananana bat man.

I'm eating a fruit. yummy.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I haven't found a job yet

That is the bad news... however the good news is that solid state hard drives are coming down in price.

I'm gonna play Minecraft.   Because I have no life.   I am going to run around in an infinite world.  All by myself   And build a house for myself.

I think I will build an underground lair.   It will be so fun.

I have this song stuck in my head.

Now that I'm updating my blog again people don't have to text me to find out about my life.

Your are welcome for the convenience.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


They are remaking the furies..... good luck to anyone who buys one.   they look like such a pain.  and they don't come with an off switch....

I'm waiting on 2 people to get back to me with my interviews.  

and i'm bored.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It's taking foooooorrrreeeeeevvvvvveeerrr

I'm upgrading my Windows 7 on my desktop to professional or something.   It is taking forever, and ever,,,,, and ever.  I texting Ian while I wait.   I didn't sleep last night.   I don't know whether it was because a was anxious or cause i ate an entire container of ice cream right before I decided to go to bed.

I also ate some chips and salsa.  I love tostito's mild salsa.   yuuuuuummmmmy!!!  om nom nom!

My neck is sore.  waaaaahhhh.....

I started watching anime.   Its surprisingly good.  Too good.  I started watching one piece and Naruto One Piece is still running and has over 500 episodes....  good thing i don't have a job. or girlfriend, or a life.

Ian is ignoring me.... stupid classes.

Windows 8

I installed windows 8 on my laptop.   I hate to admit it, but I had to google how to shut off my computer.  there isn't a start menu.  you have to either hit window key + i or you press the window key, move your mouse to the bottom right of the screen move your mouse up to the settings icon on the pop-out menu.  Then you can finally shut down the computer.   Or you can go through some hoops and and pin a shutdown button to your start bar.

After I use it some more I'll decide whether it was worth upgrading or not.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Baby you light up my world like nobody else.

Last night I dreamed that I had a girl friend.  You know how I know it was a dream?  Cause I had a girlfriend. :p

Friday night I went to bed at 11pm but I didn't get up until around 2pm so now I can't sleep.

I guess I can play lol until I get tired or it's time for church should I decide to go.

Friday, September 7, 2012


I have a job interview in 5 1/2 hours and i cant fall asleep.   Interviews always make me nervous.   That and I have myself on a absolutely horrible sleep schedule.  Basically I've been staying up till I felt like going to sleep then waking up when I felt like it.
I missed a call from two employers cause I was sleeping and I had turned my ringer off...
I will hopefully have another interview after this one.

I really wish I could just skip college and start working.   I'm tired of being tested on what i have memorized not on what i can do.   And there is so much superfluous material that has nothing to do with my career.  "It's so you can become a more rounded individual."  I say BAAH.  It's a dumb excuse for universities to make money and waste more time.  

I really wish employers would higher new employees without an education and just have them work for a few years at reduced pay until they learn what they need to for the job.  It would be a much better system and would save a lot of money...

Sunday, August 12, 2012


I'm not going to be coming back to Letourneau  this semester.   I cant afford it.  I'm living with my mom now thankfully she has a basement.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


So I saw this picture on 9 gag today and the comments that follow it go on forever...

The math problem is 48/2*(9+3)=  which can equal either 2 or 288 depending on how you solve it.




However the problem with this question in my opinion is the lack of sufficient parenthesis.

No good programmer, engineer, or math teacher would give or write a problem like that...

It should have been written;




which would have solved any questions... then the order of operations isnt even a difficult question.   these questions are designed to get people riled up over a poorley written math problem.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

C is for cookie and cookie is for me om nom nom nom nom

I made cookies tonight.   I really don't want to bake them.   I'd rather just eat the dough.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

hey ladies

I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue.  You know what they say about people who can tie a cherry stem with their tongue?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My phone isn't working.  So if you Want to talk to contact me then you should email or Skype me.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I seem to have been really busy this summer.    I've got a lot i need to do before school starts.

I'll be getting my first paycheck this Friday.    Depending on how much money i have i want to get a new graphics card.

I've been working for carpentry.   we are putting together a new playground for the village center. I pretty excited about it.   It has swings and a seesaw thing.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I'm done with this semester.   Done with finals..   I don't know what I am going to do for a job this summer.  I'm so tired.  All I want to do is sleep this summer.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

almost done

I finished my paper...

I have one more final at 3 pm then Freeeedom...


I cant wait I am pretty excited for the summer to start.  I tired of this semester.   so much crap.... I am ready for it all to be over.   I want to breathe. and take a nap.  and sleep
and not eat saga food.
and not do school
and not do school.

and sleep.... speaking of which  goodnight.

And to all my graduating friends out there that are going to be making the big bucks keep me in mind if you feel like giving  to charity.     I am a charity case.

also i want this:

hoadusaroehdutnaodunthaode utsnhaod.utcragodh .,rcudaoestnuh n-ato. hu

Monday, April 30, 2012


Can't wait for this summer to start.   I am so done with school....

Sunday, April 29, 2012

what a way to end the semester

So I guess I am mortal enemies with Katie and Allie now.....

I keep spelling their names wrong.       They get pretty offended about that.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nothing to do here

Katie is a big meany!

So every time I see something funny on the internet I save the link so I can put it on my blog.  So here all the links.   My foot is asleep.



Seem to see this at LeTourneau a lot b:

I wish life could be like this

This is a good list

Support is important


the end.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Time to study like my future depends on it.

So I deleted League of Legends completely off my computer.  And I am going to stop looking at 9gag.

Might stop hanging out in the lobby too.  Time to start coding my video game.  :P

sprites is such a funny word!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Movie Night

We watched 1 and a half movies in the village center.  

We were going to watch Jurassic park but Chris didn't have the entire movie.  So we ordered pizza and watched Mulan.

I gave Katy my Hooddie to wear because she was cold.  I wonder what that means?!

Kevin was there.   He practically made the night.  

This is one of his friends.

Christina to Chris-    "you are making me really hot, Sorry"

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cathy Carter Is Awesome

So tonight I was hungry.   So I texted Cathy Carter and I was all like, I'm hungry.   Then she was all like, then go eat something dude.  Then I was all well I don't have a car that's why I'm texting you.   Then she was all like well I don't want to drive anywhere so you should go to RG's.    But then I said I don't have any flex money.   Then she was all go ask one of your other friends like he of the mighty mind.....    He was all out of flex money.    Then I said Cathy If you buy me a chicken basket I will give you a hug.    Then she was all like OMG  I'll buy 3!!!!!

the end

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

You want my chocolate bunny?

I took a nap today.  when I woke up Ian came in and gave me a flower from Allie.     I think she has the flower giving order backwards.   then Ian gave me his chocolate bunny.

Some little kid called me fat and ugly today.

I love chocolate.

I didn't end up sleeping...

You know how hard it is to think about combinations and permutations when you are tired?

I really don't like pens.  Pencils are so much better.   You see as a race we are fallen and prone to mistakes.   You can't erase pen.  By using a pen you are either saying that you are perfect or you are fine with your mistakes.   With a pencil you can erase your mistakes.  

Christian are like pencil's and Jesus is the eraser.   Admit you are wrong start using a pencil.  Let God fix your mistakes.

"I just want you to know who I am"

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sweet Dreams

I got up at 8:30 today to do homework.   I didn't take a  nap and I am soo tired right now.
had this conversation with Ian today.

[7:52:25 PM] Shane: hey is allie there?
[7:52:52 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: nope just chuck testa
[7:53:31 PM] Shane: ohh... ok
[7:53:45 PM] Shane: well she never talsks to me on skype anymore
[7:54:05 PM] Shane: i feeel like she hates me
[7:54:09 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: she hates you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[7:54:22 PM] Shane: like she never wants to talk to me agian
[7:54:32 PM] Shane: i mean....  i really like her....
[7:54:41 PM] Shane: she is pretty amazing....
[7:55:00 PM] Shane: and is a great cook... along with cathy
[7:55:05 PM | Edited 7:55:10 PM] Shane: but cathy is taken.....
[7:55:20 PM] Shane: mann....
[7:55:25 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: I dont hate you shane
[7:55:29 PM] Shane: I just dont know what to do
[7:55:41 PM] Shane: well you have to love me i give you popcorn
[7:56:03 PM] Shane: you're my suitemate its your job
[7:56:32 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: allie doesnt hate you
[7:57:10 PM] Shane: what about that girl in your roomate's hamock
[7:57:16 PM] Shane: i cant remember her name
[7:57:35 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: no, she doesnt hate you either; she thinks youre adorable
[7:58:12 PM] Shane: awwww
[7:58:19 PM] Shane: she is pretty adorable too
[7:58:34 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: she says thank you
[7:58:51 PM] Shane: yw
[7:59:59 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: but you can't steal Tyler's girl
[8:00:18 PM] Shane: he doesn't really like her though
[8:00:26 PM] Shane: she hits to hard for him
[8:00:31 PM] Shane: he is tooooo sensitive
[8:01:35 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: you do know that you are talking to allie, not ian, right?
[8:02:49 PM] Shane: noooooo
[8:02:53 PM] He of the Mighty Mind: yup

Tyler fell asleep on my bed tonight.   Aint he cute?

"My life would suck without you!"

Friday, April 13, 2012


I don't work out.

I went out Whataburger tonight with Cathy Carter and Allie.    I shouldn't have gotten anything. I was't hungry.

I haven't decided yet whether or not I am going to go to sleep....   I am so far behind in homework.  I should do some before i go to bed.

I like Google plus so much better than facebook.   Too bad no one uses it.

The hangout feature is really cool.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


girl look at that body....

I freaking hate sleep...  Why cant I ever when sleep when I want to!!!  At least I can eat breakfast.

I got punched in the face at chapel today by Tyler's fake girlfriend.

I have a test today that I am going to fail.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Girl look at that body.

I didn't sleep last night.     I just didn't feel like it.     I really don't like going to sleep knowing that I will have to get up before I want to.     I wish i could get 12 hours a night but there isn't enough time in the day.


Wake me up when I can just pause life and not do anything... for a very long time.

So as much as I hate to admit it I need a new phone.    I dropped mine outside abbey's house or her rock sidewalk.   It shattered the screen leaving spiderweb-cracks.   Little bits of glass come out when I rub my finger over the screen to open the phone.     oh well...  Just one more year till I can get a new phone.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Girl look at that body.

I got so much sleep today.    I needed a break from my break.   I slept for a long time then I went to class then I slept some more.  I feel like I have so much going on right now.

Friday, April 6, 2012



I'M FUNNY!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why do coke machines have change return buttons if they don't work?

Thought this was funny.

This is funny too.

Monday, April 2, 2012

You don't know what you got till it's gone.

I missed my headphones so much.  I am so thankful that Ben fixed them.   Now I don't have to listen to him talking to himself.

So I have a couple of rants.   Ian is a butt-head, but to save face I won't say what he was asking of me.

And here is my bigger rant:   This isn't aimed at any one girl in particular but more at the female species.  When a guy is trying to do something nice for you like opening a door or taking your plate from the table you should let him.  When I do it I am just doing it to be nice.  I'm not trying to win your heart or get in your pants...   So just chill and let me clear your plate or open a freaking door for you.    It hurts my feelings when I am denied the opportunity to be chivalrous.  

blahhhhhh   blaaahhhh arrrggg

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 7591

Give or take a day or two.

Whether it is because my printer is 14 years old or because my computer is a tard I don't know.   But every time I plug in my printer my computer creates a new instance of the video driver.  So I have 5+ printers that will show up when I need to select a printer.

I played in the lol tournament last night.    My team went 1 and 2.    The game that we did was only because the team was brand new at the game.    It doesn't matter if you are good at video games if you are new at lol you suck.

Thanks to the people that came out to watch our team: He of the Mighty Mind, Kitty Cat, mamma fox, mamma lion,  honey b, grizzly, psst, mac, ALEJANDRO!!!, and whoever else I'm forgetting.    Except Jacob Hurts because all he did was annoy me.   Was singing loud enough for all the mikes in the room to pick him up. It produced a cool yet extremely annoying echo sound effect....   Next time he decides to share his golden pipes with the world I'd rather not be playing lol.  =P

Ben fixed my headphones.

I tried going to sleep at a decent hour but I couldn't fall asleep....   I had told Rachel goodnight and she asked me if that had meant that I was going to bed,  I told her no.... I didn't know how true that statement was.  =''(

Since I couldn't fall asleep I decided to memorize the Romans verse.   I almost have the entire thing.  Pretty good for one night.

Saga doesn't open for another two hours.    I had planned on going to church.   I don't know if that is going to happen now.

"I was born to tell you I love you."

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Turn Your Head This Way

Kitty Cat got her family pictures taken today.  It didn't seem to be too fun for her.
I watched star-wars episode one tonight.  I ate sonic food for dinner.

People are great.  I wish I could hang out more.  I have so much school to do.  So much I want to do.  So much I need to do.  I need to go to bed.  

"Are you an angel?"

Friday, March 30, 2012

I have deep conversations.

Just not when people are listening.      It's 5 in the morning.   I decided not to go to sleep.  I started playing lol then i just kept playing... Then I watched an episode of Stargate.

I finally wore one of the shirts my sister got me for Christmas.  I had a meeting today.  I had a whole bunch of people complementing me.   Girls were arguing whether I looked cute or handsome.

I have a lol tournament this weekend my team is going to lose.  ohhh well.....

Allie makes some pretty good desert.  she made this pie.  and it was chocolate.   and it was yuuuuummmyyy.   I would have eaten more but there wasn't any more for me to eat. and I would have died if i ate too much.  I wish she would make food all the time!!  What a lovely girl!

Monday, March 26, 2012

I'm not very good at this thing called sleep.

I don't know how to fall asleep.

Couldn't fall asleep tonight.

I thought this was pretty funny.

Ben is silly in the morning.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


SO my brother was texting me today asking me to play LOL.   I told him that my friend was talking to his girlfriend.

he replies back with a text

"Girl friends are temporary, LOL is eternal."

He is so funny.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

 I would forget to bring my calculator to the one class I'm taking this semester that actually needs it.

The pollen is driving me nuts.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Broken

I broke my nice headphones.  It is really upsetting.   I wish I just had a bunch of money.

I wasn't feeling very good this morning.

Friday, March 9, 2012


You know what bothers be so much about apple?  I don't like how so many of the people will buy the product just because there is a stupid apple on the back of the computer.

But the real thing I don't like is that now apple's products are starting to actually be good.  The new iPod has a ridiculously high resolution for a device of its size.  They also have a really nice monitor.  It is a little pricey but it isn't that much more expensive than its competitors.  The blind following of the hipsters and the people who don't know anything about computers and the mac fanatics have given apple enough money to make their products competitive.

This video is funny.

So we were at dinner and the people of LeTourneau were brought up.

Like a few weeks ago I saw Frodo running up the burm;  cape, walking stick, barefooted, pretty sure he the ring of power around his neck, and I wouldn't be surprised if he had sting on his belt.

Then pick-up lines were brought up.

Kevin is funny. He's like,  pick-up lines for the girls here are easy, just be like,
"You're wearing a cape, you're obviously desperate, I'm single lets do this."


Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba na na na na na Potatoe.  Punch!!

I learned something new in discrete math today!!   If you scribble a circle on a table and keep circling it creates a great dark black spot. It is a pain in the butt to erase.  When you try to erase it it just smudges and turns you eraser black.  Then you can write with your eraser.  Fun stuff.

Also Casey from "Chuck" had an appearance in Stargate SG-1.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Best day ever.

Allie gave me a hug today.   My life is now complete.   I can rest easy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The little things.

LOLOL Ian is literally freaking out.  He comes panicking into my room and asked "Is my nose crooked?!"  "I was washing my face and I leaned over and hit my nose on the sink!"   He then proceed to push and beat his nose to try to make it straight.  He thinks his whole life is ruined and he'll never get a girl friend cause his face isn't perfectly symmetrical.  It's not even that bad.   You wouldn't even notice it if you didn't stare closely at his face. It's funny how much we freak out over the little things in life.

Soooooo.  I have this friend, and this friend promised to play a game with me.  Then this friend ran off with some better friends.  Spur of the moment stuff I was told.  To go do something that was obviously more important than keeping promises.  Oh well guess you knew who your true friends are.  =P =P =P =P =P =P =P =P =P

So pretty much all today and tight I hung out with Allie, Antcliff and Kathy.  Allie and Kathy are pretty fun to hang out with.   I played Mario Kart.  I won. They made us cookies and then we went to Walmart and Taco bell.

Friday, March 2, 2012

What a burger part 2

I went to whataburger again tonight.  

Waaaaaaalleeee  is  soooooo wise.
Food chocolate and napkins...  
LOLOLOLOL   You had to be there.

So I have met Rachel's sister twice.    Every time my sister might be on campus  all of my friends leave.... I don't think that she is that bad...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What a burger

I went to Whataburger last night to do homework.

This week has been pretty crazy.

I'm so behind in school.   I need to do lots of homework.  Hopefully I'll be able to use this weekend wisely.

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing.
Good thing I have a God I still believe in.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I was watching Stargate with Ian last night.

It turns out that Ian doesn't like scary movies or TV shows.  The show wasn't even that scary.   He wanted to leave cause he was to scared.   He started flailing when I started to move closer to him.  It was funny.  To his credit he did make it through the entire episode.

Frisbee this year should be pretty fun.  Ian is a great receiver.

also I was practically Rolling on the floor laughing when I saw this.

I have eaten so many cookies.   I'm going to get sick.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Student elections were today.  

I voted for the VP because he made a black joke (He was black).   He gets up there and starts off his speech with "I have a dream." He could have only said that and I would have voted for him.

om nom nom

Ian for student body president.   I'm voting for him.  

Had a whataburger sandwich with Ian Tyler and some girls from our sister floor.   And some other guy.  And a previewer.

I'm tired.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Today was good.
I got cs2 and computer architecture homework done.
I watched tangled with a bunch of the girls from our sister floor in MSC tonight.
I ate a ton of popcorn.
My mouse is flashing red.

I've got 3 midterms next week.  I'll be doing a ton of studying Sunday.
And Monday.
And Tuesday.
And Wednesday.

"I wish I had Samantha Carter's job"  - Abbey Jeske
What a nerd.  =P

Friday, February 17, 2012


there are some nights when I wish I could just stay awake all night and listen to music
just lie awake in bed and listen
tonight is one of those nights
it doesn't help that Ben isn't going to bed either
valentines day was good this year

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

This will be the twentieth time in a row that I have been single on valentines day.  Why must the world celebrate such a depressing holiday?  I don't know if I'll be able to make it through another year without a lover's embrace.  Pray for me, as I fear I will be crying myself to sleep yet another night.  This time of the year is always tough on me.

It seems all of my family has someone special except me...  My sister has a BF...  -.-  My brother has a BF.  My mom has been out on a date.  My dad is getting married at the end of this semester...
My roommate is practically married,  and HECK, EVEN MY SUITE-MATES HAVE DATES THIS VALENTINES!!  I mean how did that happen?  Brendan Nerd Palmer and He of the Mighty Mind (AKA The One With The Non-Sexy Walk) both got asked to Sadie Hawkins.  HOTMM yells at his haters when he does homework and look at Brendan's middle name!

So if you think that your valentines day sucks just take a look at me and know that it could be worse....  Your brother could be gay.  And you could be getting stepsisters for your birthday. =P

So look at my life and laugh.  Because that's one of the ways I manage to get through it.  That and hugs,  hugs are good. And chocolate, mmmmm chocolate.

My life:  Still a better love story than Twilight!

Because of you I never strayed to far from the safe side of the sidewalk.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I'v always wondered what people meant by extroverts were "recharged" by being around people and introverts were "recharged" by alone time.  I never realized that I was "recharged" by being alone.  I know I am introverted, but I kinda thought the theory was a little absurd.  That is, until I haven't been able to be alone for an extended period of time.

I haven't been able to go to my room and relax and not just NOT TALK TO PEOPLE!!!!

I don't like being the center of attention.  Give me a hug and don't talk to me all at once.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ohh It's What You Do To Me! What you do to me.

I was looking for pictures of old logic gates on the internet.  Logic gates are the things that your computer is made out of.   The majority of results in pictures, videos, and regular links were pictures of Minecraft.  It was kind of upsetting.

Ben's brother is staying in our room for the heritage week.  They are a lot like each other.

Abbey brought me some desert food from her mom. It was good.  Apparently Abbey's mom misses me.  

I'm done with all my homework that was due week.

This week has been exhausting.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bye Bye Bam Bam

So this past Saturday I went on Letourneau's mystery bus.   We got on a bus and went to Dallas.  We didn't know what we were doing.

We had dinner and watched a movie then we went rock climbing.  We watched Big Miracle...  It was a movie about how everyone has ulterior motives and it explains why our countries are in so much debt.  It also villainizes the humble poor little Eskimos. The evil Greenpeace lady wants to waste all the money in the world to save 3 freaking whales.  1 dies.  HALLELUJAH!

I am glad that some people like to visit my blog if they are bored.

So I actually did my circuits homework tonight and it wasn't that bad.  I did it up in MSC 3 with Ben and Mihary.  It was going pretty good and I was learning.  Mihary would teach me how to do the problem and I would get it done before before she would.  And I would get it done right.  Everything was going along just great until Mihary got excited started doing a jig.  Ben called her cute and then they started tickling each other. It was kinda disgusting.  I almost hurled. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thank you Rachel


My shoulders were so tight that it caused my muscles to ache when I breathed.  They aren't as tight now.  And it doesn't hurt when i breathe.

I think that Ian have one of the best suit mates a guy could ask for.  =p
I have some advice for his future wife.   If you ever want anything from him all you have to do is complement him.   Just tell him how awesome he is and he goes to cloud nine and the whole world seems perfect to him.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Love Apples

I had something I was going to blog about something and it was funny.

And then I remembered.


Genesis 30:

14 During wheat harvest, Reuben went out into the fields and found some mandrake plants, which he brought to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, “Please give me some of your son’s mandrakes.”

 15 But she said to her, “Wasn’t it enough that you took away my husband? Will you take my son’s mandrakes too?”

   “Very well,” Rachel said, “he can sleep with you tonight in return for your son’s mandrakes.”

 16 So when Jacob came in from the fields that evening, Leah went out to meet him. “You must sleep with me,” she said. “I have hired you with my son’s mandrakes.” So he slept with her that night.


Friday, January 27, 2012


I rearranged my room.   I lowered my bed and moved my desk.   I can watch TV from my bed now.
I updated my blog.
I ate some cheese sticks.

My roommate talks to himself in Japanese.   He also starts to Japanese to me when he is upset at me.  It can be quite humorous sometimes.

Today in class we had a missionary come talk to us.  He asked if any of us were in computer science 2 .  He had given that class a devo the day before.   One of the kids made a comment along the lines of; if anyone was just now taking CS2 they would be way behind.

lol im in CS2

derp derp

I don't really have anything significant to say.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Internet is Abuzz

So in case you are completely unaware congress and senate are both trying to pass bills that would censor the internet.   Nearly every website that i have seen and anyone with authority on the subject has been strictly apposed to the bill.

Not only would these bills "censor the internet,"  but they would cause further economic instability,  ruin internet security, and greatly hinder growth and development.
This is something that will Directly affect everyday life.

YouTube would have to be shutdown

You wouldn't be able to share video or pictures you find online.

No more "covers" of songs could be uploaded to Facebook.

Foreign counties that get online business from america will go bankrupt.

You won't be able to search for things online as easily.

It would ruin blogs.

And it gives ambiguous power to our incompetent government officials.

Oh!! And the best part about this bill is that IT WILL NOT STOP PIRACY!!!!!
People will be able to get around the blocks that the government setup.  The kind of people that pirate are the kind of people that know a thing or two about the internet.

Contact your senate and congress members let them know your concern. I have.!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


So yesterday during a game of League of Legends Abbey called me.   Or so I thought, I accidentally hung up on her taking the phone out of my pocket.  So I called her, (In the middle of a LOL game)  it turns out she butt-dialed me.    Bummer  my heart was crushed.    Do you know how often i get phone calls?   Let alone calls from girls?    Almost never.

Monday, January 16, 2012



Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I'm back at school.   My Tuesday Thursday mornings are going to be painful.  I might be a grader for circuits 1.  I played a game of Heroscape.  I lost.  I don't know if I will ever play again.

Also I need a new graphics card.  And a new keyboard.